
History in Physical Education

By rcc2020
  • Physical Education and Childrens Development

    Physical Education and Childrens Development
    The Seven Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education. The Seven are health, command of fundamental process, worthy home membership, vocation, civic education, worthy use of leisure, and ethical character. The Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education were issued in 1918 by the Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education. The focus of this commission was to form objectives for secondary education.These seven things promote an active, healthy lifestyle.
  • HYPER School is founded

    HYPER School is founded
    W.W. Patty was appointed the first dean of the school of health, physical education, and recreation. HYPER started in the mottier house on forest place and contains ocly offcies for school adminstrators. On August 1, 1946 the school of HYPER has 33 full-time faculty members. Then in 1948 HYPER awarded its first doctorate in the school. This school has devloped the beginnings of preventing disease, promiting wellness, and improving quality of life.
  • Brown vs. the board of Education

    Brown vs. the board of Education
    Brown Vs. Board of EducationAn incredibly important court decision that declared separating blacks and whites in public schools unconstitutional. It also granted black students equal educational opportunities as white students. This allowed blacks and white to participate in physical education classes in school. It improved the health of all kids from different backgrounds and races.
  • The Presidents Council On Youth Fitness

    The Presidents Council On Youth Fitness
    The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports advises the President through the Secretary of Health and Human Services about physical activity, fitness, and sports, and recommends programs to promote regular physical activity for the health of all Americans. President Dwight D. Eisenhower established this council after the President learned the results of a report indicating that American children were less fit than European youth. It promotes the well-being of the youth.
  • The Enactment of Public Law 90-170

    The Enactment of Public Law 90-170
    Public Law 90-170 is a law passed by Congress in 1967 that ensured the funds for research and training in the field of adapted physical education. This law greatly helped the advancement of adapted physical activity in elementary and secondary schools all over the country. The law kick started the movement to consciously help children with disabilities learn motor skills and coordination through physical education
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IXPresident NIxon Signed Title IX of the Education Amendments. It became a law the prohibits discrimination on the bais of sex in any federal funded education program or activity. The principle objective of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support sexually discriminatory practices in education programs such as sexual harassment and employment discrimination, and to provide individual citizens effective protection against those practices.
  • Public Law 94-142

    Public Law 94-142
    This law made it possible for states and local schools to receive federal funds in order to assist in the education of students with disabilities. This legislation made it possible for every qualified student with a disability to receive a free appropriate education, including special education and related services designed to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. It assured the rights of children and students with handicaps.
  • Spark Program

    Spark Program
    Spark Program
    Spark was supported by the Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health.Spark physical education was designed to be more inclusive, active, and fun than traditional PE classes, and SPARK was proven to work with both physical education specialists and classroom teachers. This program was funded to create, implement, and evaluate new physical education approaches.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    The No Child Left Behind Policy is a policy that is intended to improve standardized test scores in elementary and secondary schools. However, nowhere in this policy is physical education taken into account. This policy is actually drawing funds away from physical education, and it is unintentionally harming the health of youth in America. This law is based on the belief that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve individual outcomes in education.
  • American Kinesiology Association Established

    American Kinesiology Association Established
    The American Kinesiology Association promotes and enhances kinesiology as a unified field of study and advances its many applications. AKA does this by advocating for kinesiology at national and international levels as well as by supporting its member departments by providing resource materials and leadership and educational opportunities for university administrators in kinesiology. Also, they promote kinesiology in academic and to the public to enhance the broader community about kinesiology.