History In Filming By Sebastian Martinez

  • Filming created by a bet from Eadweard muybridge and his friends.

    Filming created by a bet from Eadweard muybridge and his friends.
    Eadweard made a 25,000 dollar bet against his friends that a horse at top speed doesnt lay a hoof on the floor for a second, they took pictures to see if it was true. The idea was brought to Eadweards head when he saw that the different pictures created a visual, now known as a stop motion, and its originated since then.
  • Creation of the Zoopraxiscope

    Creation of the Zoopraxiscope
    Soon after Eadweards Idea, He created the Zoopraxiscope which was the device that made the images move constantly, creating the video feeling. To people this effect was stunning, it was the first time people had seen such a thing.
  • Thomas Edisons part in film history (including creation of peephole kinetiscope)

    Thomas Edisons part in film history (including creation of peephole kinetiscope)
    Using the idea from Muybridge, Edison elevated the idea to a higher level, creating a better device with help from william kennedy called the peephole kinetiscope. This device was amazing at the time, Edison used it for a huge profit, he would only let one person per kinetiscope, with that being said, it created a big problem from anyone in Thomas edisons way.
  • First ''Theater/Screening"

    First ''Theater/Screening"
    The Lumiere brothers in France are the first to create a theater for the people, Thomas eddison had already done this but didnt make it public since he was making more money his way. Although the movies were only about a minute long, it waa still very impressive. From here it all elevated to higher standards, like the 12 minute film that was incredible back in the day.
  • Eadweards work after his ideas.

    Eadweards work after his ideas.
    Eadweards pictures and work was put into the books he created. Muybridges work created many trends, for example the use of nudity in male and female.
  • The different reasons why hollywood and film are on the west coast

    The different reasons why hollywood and film are on the west coast
    Well back in the day, one big reason for the industry to be in california was because of the weather and the places around. Edison didnt want others doing what he was doing, so if he found any other people filming he would threaten and take all their equipment, the big part about this is that california created an escape route to mexico for people running from Edison.
  • Theaters improving and actors impact

    Theaters improving and actors impact
    Following the Lumieres Brand, Nickelodeans and vaudevilles were invented, these were expanded and were places for people to go see films, some starring amazing actors such as Charles Chaplin and Mary pickford. Films became a huge thing back in the day, and they still are in the present.
  • Films evolution little by little

    Films evolution little by little
    On this year, Many filmers started to use more shot composition, not just the same old eye view shot. This was also the year that the originator of film passed away, Edweard Muybridge.
  • Motion Picture creation.

    Motion Picture creation.
    Oskar Meester Was involved in making films before, But didnt start making many films per year until 1910. Motion pictures have now evolved to a grand invention.
  • Creation of movie studios, sets, etc.

    Creation of movie studios, sets, etc.
    The creation of Paramount Pictures is huge because that is one of the most known film sets still here today along with the more old universal studios. These are big steps in film, stepping the game up in motion pictures.
  • Sound In film

    Sound In film
    Since film was created up to the mid 1920s there was no sound. This changed when both the vitaphone and the phonofilm were both used to add msic and sound to a film. the phonofilm was used by Lee de Forest.
  • Films in the Great depression Era.

    Films in the Great depression Era.
    During the Great Depression Era, Film and movies were a great way for families to spend time. Movies helped the people escape their troubles and this was a stress relief to many. movies like the wizard of oz were really big at that time.