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History Class Timeline

  • The Deceleration of Independence

    The Deceleration of Independence
    The Deceleration of Independence was signed in the summer of 1776. It was paper that declared independence from British rule. This is a huge impact because it cause the Revolutionary War which gave the America independence.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was when Thomas Jefferson bought the French Louisiana. It was sold for $15 million. The US bought it from France.
  • The Lewis and Clark Journey

    The Lewis and Clark Journey
    The Lewis and Clark Journey was a journey through the Louisiana Purchase. It discovered 200 new species of plants and animals to the European science, and created more accurate maps of the area.
  • The Texas Revolution

    The Texas Revolution
    The Texas Revolution is when colonists rebelled against Mexico. They got their independence from Mexico.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was at Ford's Theater. He was killed by John Booth. This was a huge impact because now presidents have way more security.
  • War World Two

    War World Two
    War World Two was the war that Germany started when Adolf Hitler took over Germany. The USA join after the attack of Pearl Harbor. This is a huge impact because many people were killed in this war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On this date Pearl Harbor was bomb by Japan. This is when we join World War Two. This is huge impact because that is the day that the US declared war on Japan.
  • 9/11

    9/11 was when planes crashed into the Twin Towers. The planes made the buildings fall and killed many people. This impacted the USA by having more security.
  • my birthday

    my birthday
    The day I was born!