History assignment

  • Mass production

    The mass production of vehicles and other products first started in the early 1900’s. Factories started to make more products in a shorter amount of time, this was during the industrial revolution which started to have machines to make products.
  • End of WWI

    The end of World War One was by the pressure of the allied forces on the border of Germany. The English, French and American were the main nations heading towards the border. Germany had also ran out of resources. They couldn’t keep up with the other countries so they had to give in.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    This treaty was the thing that finished World War One. It was signed by the Germans and the Allied forces on the 5th year anniversary of the assassinations of Franz Ferdinand and his Wife. Which has been known as the reason for the start of World War One.
  • The Jazz Age

    The Jazz age was the golden era of Jazz. This gave us music from some of the greatest Jazz musicians of all time. This included Jelly Roll Morton, Benny Goodman and New Orleans Rhythm Kings.
  • Invention of Television

    The first commercial television first came out in the late 1920’s. It first came out as an experimental device to see how popular this technology would get. Back then, the TV’s weren’t the big massive screens we have now. They were small, black and white TVs that had a small amount of channels.
  • Market Crash of 1929

    The market crash, also known as ‘Black Tuesday’ was consider one of the worst days of the market. The prices on stock drop which meant everyone wanted to sell. This cause the system to lag behind by around 2 hours. 16.4 million Shares was sold that day, this was the all-time record.
  • Great Depression

    During the prosperous time of the 1920's where new, innovative inventions were being produced many people invested in the stock market hoping to benefit of others financial success, On October 24 1929 many stock prices plummeted and a mob of shocked and angry stockholders formed on Wall Street to complain. The stock market crash left many people in financial crisis and some people believe it was a major contributor in creating the Great Depression.
  • Day of Mourning

    The day of mourning was the 150th anniversary of the first fleet arriving to Australia. This was a follow up of the 100th anniversary mourning. Native Australian leaders decided that they weren’t going to acknowledge. This day called for the aboriginal people to have ‘white-people’ rights.
  • Start of WW2

    World War Two first started by a German called ‘Adolf Hitler’. He wanted more land for his country so he decided to invade neighboring Poland. This wasn’t taken kindly by a lot of country which cause massive outbreak of war.
  • Jaoanese Attack of Pearl Harbor

    The Pearl Harbor Attack made by the Japanese was one of the turning points of World War Two. This got the Americans into the war. The attack was one of the worst on American Soil. The attack was base at a naval station.
  • Bombing of Darwin

    The bombing of Darwin was the first main land attack on the country in its short history. These attacks were made by the Japanese, The man who planned these attacks was also involved in the Pearl Harbor bombing. 243 people were killed while around 350 people were wounded.
  • Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

    On the 6th of August 1945, the Americans dropped the first nuclear bomb on the Hiroshima. This was the first nuclear bomb to be used in war and it was the first of two nuclear bombs ever used to harm people. The plane that dropped it was called the ‘Anola Gay’.
  • Declaration of Human Rights

    This was declaration brought in by the United Nations after the Second World War. This was the first global expression of rights which gave human being are inherently entitled. This consisted of 30 articles that vary from political rights and social and cultural rights.
  • Melbourne Olympics

    The 1956 Olympics was 16th Olympic Games. It had a total of 72 nations competing. This was the first Olympics Held in Australia and only one of two. The main athletics stadium was the Melbourne Cricket Ground. There was a total 151 events over 17.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis was nearly the start of a nuclear war. Cuba was suspected of having nuclear weapons and were ready for the push of a bottom. This lasted 13 days and was stopped after J.F.K and other world leaders went into talks.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream…” speech

    The speech made by the late Martin Luther King Jr is probably one of the most quoted speeches of all time. This speech was presented in front of a massive crowd in Washington. The speech was told in hope that the African-American would have equal rights in American.
  • Australian Freedom Rides

    This was a major event in the rights being given back to the aboriginals. Inspired by the Freedom riders of whom from the American civil war. They protested in local parks, pools, and pubs. This was led by a man called Charles Perkins.
  • Invention of Mobile Phones

    The handheld mobile first became popular in the in the late 1980’s. They were very heavy with some weighting more than 1 kg. The mobile evolved over time and has become smaller each couple of years. When mobiles first came out you couldn’t do more than call people. You are now able to email and video call people nowadays.
  • Release of Crocodile Dundee

    The release of Crocodile Dundee was one of the best for an Australian movies of all time. But the reason why it was successful was its popularity overseas. It gave Americans an image of what Australians are. They thought it was a close resemblance to true Australians.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall was used to divide east and the west side of Germany. The eastern part of Germany was the communist side of the country. When Soviet Union and other communist country’s started to crumble. Pressure was mounted on to the East Germans to tear down the wall to make a singular country again.
  • United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child

    The Convention on the rights of the child is an international reform that gives certain rights to children. Some of the rules are that governments need to protect children from sexual abuse. This was made by UNICEF
  • Invention of the Internet

    The internet first gained its popularity in the early 1990’s. It was first used to send a file called the ‘The Anarchist Cookbook’. This file had recipes to make bombs and napalm. The internet has improved from where it was 30 years again.