• Nov 3, 1440

    Gutenberg's Printing Press

    Gutenberg's Printing Press
    Existing in at least printing type of east Asia since 1377,In about 1440, Germany goldsmith, John Gutenberg, developed a movement type. Gutenberg pieces of metal points for each type to print out. With movable type, printer may soon make many copy of a book. The same piece of type can again and again, print many different book.
  • Knowledge -John Locke

    Knowledge -John Locke
    Intuitive knowledge:It creates perfect certainty, but only a few available to us. For example, a dog I know instinctively not elephants the same.
    Demonstrative knowledge model of knowledge, we perceive the agreement or indirectly through the middle of a series of ideological differences
    When our senses caused by the idea of something that exists, even if we do not know what causes our when sensitive knowledge.
  • Ikujiro Nonaka & Hirotaka Takeuk - The Knowledge Spiral

    Externalization-from implicit to explicit: articulate metaphors and models, the technology of "concept" of tacit knowledge explicit use.
    Combine--from explicit to explicit: explicit manipulation of "systematic" knowledge, through this technique, the sorting and grouping. To this end, the knowledge element must be "fit together.
    Internalization - from Explicit to Tacit:"learn to do" (knowledge) and shared mental models and technical know-how.
    Socialization-from recessive to recessive: with others
  • Fritz Machlup - Knowledge Industry

    Fritz Machlup - Knowledge Industry
    Knowledge of intellectual property rights, that is, mass culture and meet the desire for knowledge.
    Pastime knowledge, that is, satisfy the curiosity of non-intelligent light entertainment and emotional stimulation of desire or knowledge.
    Spiritual or religious knowledge obtained in the field, aimlessly retained
  • Michael Polanyi - Tacit Knowledge

    Scientist Turned Philosopher
    Tacit knowledge including concept and sensory information, in addition, to feel there is something about images. Tacit knowledge is often explains formation of a new model or theory. Appreciation and exploration which inevitably led to his process of discovery and not with theory and model validation and rebuttal
  • Peter Drucker - The Knowledge Worker

    The defining characteristic of these knowledge workers is their level of formal education. Education and development, with some degree of training, would be a knowledge center issues of social concern. Drucker's workers, he said their assets, not heavily profound respect. He taught knowledge workers are essential elements of the modern economy. Heart that philosophy is think people are companies most valuable resource manager position like their development and trained through continuing educati
  • Daniel Bell - The Information

    Daniel Bell - The Information
    Information is information that in the broadest meaning of data storage, retrieval, and processing of data is an important resource of all economic and social interaction ... Knowledge, I was referring to an organized State the facts or ideas, set reasonable judgement or the results of the experiment, there's been some communication media, in some systems passed on to other people
  • Alvin Toffler - The Third Wave

    The first wave of people staying in one place, it repeats itself, crop and seasonal cycles of the Moon cycle number, sense. Everyone works on the farm, people can do a lot of generalists. The second wave: our tools to make progress, we make shipping, rail and car. To build all of this, we in the expensive equipment and people (labour) investment. The third wave: industrial society has brought about great companies, military organizations need to keep track of what they have, what they are doing,
  • ohn Naisbitt & Patricia Aburdene - Information Society

  • HyperCard - Dynamic Programming

    HyperCard - Dynamic Programming
    The mind can't do this. By the Association's work. Got a project to immediately capture the next step is for the thought, by some brain cells in the intricate steps recommended by the Association. It has other characteristics, of course; track without trailing often easily fade, the project is not completely permanent, memory is short. However, the mental picture of the complex framework of action, innovation, speed to more information are beyond all natural stunning
  • The Internet - Network

    Is online you can collect a lot of information, but its different nature – speed, often works on it as an enabler for knowledge. Need rich source of knowledge and context. For example, start learning one of the best knowledge of implementation of an apprenticeship, because it allows the concepts and ideas had a deep exchange between learners and teachers. As a start to slowly leave this style of learning, knowledge exchange slowly begin to decrease, while information flow and increase speed. In
  • Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger - Community of Practice

    Conference of the parties involved organizations around specific areas of knowledge, provides members with a combined enterprise and identity. It also includes some things around and, to the development community to develop a relationship of its members. COP features you need generate shared memories and ideas, commitments tracks. In addition, it also needs to develop resources, such as tools, documentation, routine, community knowledge of vocabulary and carry a symbol of wealth
  • Karl-Erik Sveiby - Intellectual Capital -

    Sweden Scandinavian Asia public, insurance companies, developing Navigator, conception of reports that some pointers, tried to market value and it compares a company's book value. Difference is said to be the dollar value of the company's "intellectual capital".
  • Thomas Davenport and Laurence Prusak - Velocity and Viscosity -

    Thomas Davenport and Laurence Prusak - Velocity and Viscosity -
    Speed and the speed of organizational knowledge. Viscosity-the rich or the thickness of the knowledge transfer
  • Knowledge History Graph

    Knowledge History Graph