English high school

Historical Timeline for TED 200

By jhyry
  • Pilgram Education

    Pilgram Education
    This event is very important as the Pilgrims educated their children on religion and other formal learning which started the path to the system as we know it today. (Kaplan & Owings 2015)
  • Public High Schools

    Public High Schools
    Public high schools were made as an alternative to Latin grammar schools. This event helped pave the way for public schools as it gave children an alternative to receive free education (Kaplan & Owings 2015)
  • Common School Period

    Common School Period
    Education was made more available to American children, had a higher quality and was made more student-friendly. This paved the way for more equality in today's schools.

    Source: The history of American academic education [Video file]. (2006). Retrieved February 23, 2020, from https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=101216&xtid=115849
  • Women in College

    Women in College
    In 1800 there were no women in college, while 60 years later in 1860, 61 colleges admitted women, which allowed women to gain more education and higher-paying jobs. This event is very important as it helped to close the gap between men and women and allowed women more freedom.
  • Common School Period

    Common School Period
    Education was made more available to all American children. Education was also made to be more high quality and more student-friendly. This event helped to make schools equal today.
    Source: The history of American academic education [Video file]. (2006). Retrieved February 23, 2020, from https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=101216&xtid=115849
  • Child Study Movement

    Child Study Movement
    This event is important as it gave eductors a look inside a child's mind to be able to logically put lessons together, or the best way to educate them.