Historical Timeline

  • 1972 Mills vs. Board of Education

    This lawsuit was for a group of 7 school age children who were denied a fair education because of mental or physical disabilities. Board of Education was sited because they denied the students rights to an equal education. This can help other kids who risk not having education due to disabilities and be provided with fair education despite their disability.
    http://www.youtu.be/NdzpyzmeolU Kelly, Josh. "Landmark case Mills v. Board of Education D.C.
  • 1982 Board of Education v Rowley

    Amy Rowley was a deaf child who required services in the school setting. Her mother had requested services for an interpreter, but Amy was denied so her parents took it to district court. It was determined that her rights were being denied which caused Amy not to e given what she needed to be successful. This can help others by ensuring that despite the intervention needed, the child should have it if it can assist the child with succeeding in school.
  • Winkelman v. Parma City School District, 550 U.S. 516

    A boy named Jacob did not gt a free appropriate education, so his parents requested that since the school could not provide Jacob with what he needed, that they pay his tuition. The family was rewarded $68,000 that would cover his tuition to a private school. This can show parents that they should never give up on their child when school can not provide them with what they need.
    https://you.be/U1nrcksaRLs Garret, Siedah. "Winkleman vs. Parma City. Published on Jul 20, 2012.