Historical Events in Education

  • The American Colonial Period (1600-1776)

    The American Colonial Period (1600-1776)
    Many Europeans immigrated because of the educational opportunities. it began with many education being taught at home if the parents were able too teach, schools existed for elementary grades and some colleges such as Harvard University. Older boys and girls were either doing farm work or learning apprenticeship, which is a trade learned by watching or helping a professional. Most colonies had religious beliefs and viewed education was a way to safeguard their beliefs.
  • Role of Teachers (1600-1776)

    Role of Teachers (1600-1776)
    Teachers were ranked lower than religious leaders. Groups of males had higher expectations than regular in education. Teachers could not drink, smoke, date, or marry. They were also expected to clean and care for the sick
  • School Curriculum (1600-1776)

    School Curriculum (1600-1776)
    Teaching was focused on basic reading, writing, math, and religion. In the middle colonies trades were available such as shoemaking, wealthy sons would learn other languages and girls would learn how to sew and other home skills. Since books were expensive schools would use hornbooks which are a flat wooden board with a sheet of paper with basic skills written on it.
  • the American Early National Period (1776-1840)

    the American Early National Period (1776-1840)
    Began with the American Revolution, people believed that it could make a better society. Most children grew up on farms and thought their lives would be like their parents. Changes in education began in cities, they believed that people could improve in life and society with reason. Education was a way to promote the new nations ideas of freedom and liberty. Communities were focusing on teaching skills to help students enter fields such as agriculture and business.
  • Role of Teachers (1776-1840)

    Role of Teachers (1776-1840)
    Teachers were continued to make a difference in the students and the community. They taught that citizenship involved obeying laws and ruled and respecting authority.
  • School Curriculum (1776-1840)

    School Curriculum (1776-1840)
    Schools continued to teach basic skills such as reading, writing, math, and christian principles. Wealthy boys would learn other languages and the girls received additional education from a tutor. Education was limited to those of European ancestry.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin Franklin was a politician, scientist, writer, and inventor. He wanted to expand educational opportunities so he started a secondary school in Philadelphia. The school was open to anyone that could pay tuition no matter of their religious beliefs. Because of him schools teach about good citizenship and are available to all with a variety of subjects.
  • Religion (1787- 1789)

    Religion (1787- 1789)
    Religion was a major impact in education during this time because of the first amendment and the separation of church and state. It is okay to discuss religion with students but it. wouldn’t be okay for you to advocate one religion over another; doing so would violate the principle of separation of church and state.
  • The American Common School Period (1840-1880)

    The American Common School Period (1840-1880)
    Oregon Trail was opened, after the discovery of gold it gave people new hopes and dreams. The country was going closer to the Civil War. At the beginning of the period children received minimal schooling but by the end free public education was widely available.
  • Role of Teachers (1840-1880)

    Role of Teachers (1840-1880)
    Most children were educated at home or in a small country schoolhouse. Teachers were paid by community members, their salaries were quiet low. Horace Mann helped by letting teacher train in an actual school. To enter the schoolteachers had to take a test to show that they are educated.
  • School Curriculum (1840-1880)

    School Curriculum (1840-1880)
    Changed how the subjects were taught, Kindergarten was established in public schools. Friedrich Froebel was a German educator and he established the idea of Kindergarten. In America it was intended for the poor children to succeed in school. The McGuffey's Readers was also introduced as a series of books used across the country.
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann
    Served as the first secretary of the State Board of Education, he established free public education for every boy and girl in Massachusetts. One innovation was "normal schools" which was established for teacher training. He also helped by creating free library, giving more funding to public schools, and believed schools should not teach any specific beliefs.
  • The American Progressive Period (1880-1921)

    The American Progressive Period (1880-1921)
    Bridged the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the United States had been divided, and women were gaining more rights. The industrial revolution was a period that the economy wasn't good and there was a change in America. Half of the population abandoned farming and moved to new town for better work opportunities. Children worked with their parents which limited their education. By 1920 all children had to attend elementary school.
  • Role of Teachers (1880-1921)

    Role of Teachers (1880-1921)
    Teachers were considered professionals, they attended preparation programs in college. They were well trained and qualified to run a classroom and teach many subjects. Many of them were unhappy with the standards placed, they wanted more freedom. The first teachers labor union protected working rights of teachers.
  • School Curriculum (1800-1921)

    School Curriculum (1800-1921)
    Many felt that schools were too standardized and that they should focus on students as individuals. These changes were significant, progressive believed that schools could set students on a better path on building better living conditions. An important change in this period was that thousands of high schools were opened, diplomas were more important than finding a job.
  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori
    Was Italy's first female doctor and tried to find a way to help students with a difficult learning ability. She believed that sensory should come before learning to read and write, the method is known as the Montessori Method. She considers all children needs and knows that there are many opportunities for all children .
  • The 1920s and the Great Depression Era (1921-1940)

    The 1920s and the Great Depression Era (1921-1940)
    Many Americans turned away from worries about political change after World War I. America was the worlds most developed nation, and a restaurant for economic prosperity and development. Over this time, however, the influence of the progressive movement and education persisted.
  • War on poverty (1960)

    War on poverty (1960)
    war on poverty was a major impact in this era because it improved educational funds for minorities by $900 million and 4.4%.