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Historical Energy Events

By anitsos
  • Natural gas was used for the first time for illumination, pipeline laid from a well to a residence

    Natural gas was used for the first time for illumination, pipeline laid from a well to a residence
  • W.E. Staite patents an incandescent electric lamp

    W.E. Staite patents an incandescent electric lamp
  • During the California Gold Rush, cans came into use as the need for food that can stay fresh for long periods of time arose

    During the California Gold Rush, cans came into use as the need for food that can stay fresh for long periods of time arose
  • Daniel Hallady produced first U.S. windmills based on European ones

    Daniel Hallady produced first U.S. windmills based on European ones
  • First time that energy from hot springs used on a larger scale in Oregon

    First time that energy from hot springs used on a larger scale in Oregon
  • First long distance pipeline for natural gas completed

    First long distance pipeline for natural gas completed
  • Electric lights used for public street lighting for first time in Cleveland, Ohio

    Electric lights used for public street lighting for first time in Cleveland, Ohio
  • First patent for an elecrtical motor was issued to Thomas Davenport

    First patent for an elecrtical motor was issued to Thomas Davenport
  • First dam specifically built to drive hydroelectric power plant on Willamette River

    First dam specifically built to drive hydroelectric power plant on Willamette River
  • First electric automobiles appear on market powered by rechargeable batteries

    First electric automobiles appear on market powered by rechargeable batteries