Flag of ghana

Historic Ghana “When an old man dies, it is as if a library is burnt down"

  • Jan 1, 1471

    Portuguese trade begins

    Portuguese trade begins
    First European Contact
  • Period: Jan 1, 1471 to

    Rich oral history

  • Missionary Presses

    religious books in local languages
  • English Church Mission

    Early school in Gold Coast
  • Colony established

    Colony established
    British establish colony on Gold Coast
  • Period: to

    Literacy via Bible instruction

  • Cape Coast Reading Room

    Members only, educated non-British
  • Period: to

    Gold Coast Crown Colony

    British takeover of Danish, Dutch Gold Coast
  • Sunday School in Vernacular

    Bible education in native language for adults, teens
  • Supreme Court Library

    Supreme Court Library
  • First public library

    Accra, instituted by Anglican Bishop Dr. Aglionby
  • Accra Town Library

    Carnegie Foundation to support building of public library, mobile library service
  • First Library School

    First Library School
    Achimota College
  • Ghana Library Authority

    Establish, equip, manage and maintain Public Libraries
  • Ghanian Independence

    Ghanian Independence
  • Period: to

    Ghana Library School

  • e-library debuts

    e-library debuts
    University and Polytechnic students; access to e-library for textbooks
  • Golden Jubilee Ghana Library Association

    Golden Jubilee Ghana Library Association