Electricity timeline

  • 2750 BCE

    First human contact with electricity

    First human contact with electricity
    Some ancient egypcian texts describe the encounter that they had with an electric fish. This is considered as the first sighting of electricity in the human history.
  • 600 BCE

    Thales of Miletus dicovered static electricity

    Thalos of Miletus was a scientific, astronomer, mathematic, philosofer and many other things. So one of his discoberies was the static electricity which he found by rubbing fur on substances such as amber.
  • 1300

    Arabic naturalisits found lightling

    Arabic naturalisits found lightling
    Arabic naturalists and physicians described electric rays and identified them with lightling.
  • Conductors and Insulators

    On 1720 the english scientist Stephen Gray made the distinctions beetween insulating materials and conductors, those which permit the electricity to flow thruough them.
  • Coulomb

    THe french physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb formulated and published the Coulomb's law in his paper Premier Mémoire sur l’Électricité et le Magnétisme
  • First battery

    First battery
    On 1800 an italian physicist Alessandro Volta invented the battery.
  • The first electric telegraph

    The first electric telegraph
    On 1816 Francis Ronalds built the first working electric telegraph, an invention which provided instant comunication in long distances.
  • Electrical resistance

    The german physicist Georg Ohm introduced the concept of electrical resistance.
  • DC motor and generator

    DC motor and generator
    The american scientist Joseph Henry developed a prototype DC motor, no more than a year later Hyppolite Pixii from france developed a prototype DC generator.
  • The telephone

    The telephone
    The scottish inventor Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone, which was better than the telegraph because it was the voice which he tranformed so everybody could use it.
  • Street lightling

    Street lightling
    In 1877 the first street lightling was installed in paris.
  • New type of incasdescent lamp

    New type of incasdescent lamp
    In 1879Thomas Alva Edison introduced a long lasting filament for the incandescent lamp.
  • The fluorescent lamp

    In 1901 the American engineer Peter Cooper Hewitt invented a Fluorescent lamp.
  • Television

    Japanese engineer Kenjiro Takayanagi demonstrated CRT television with 40-line resolution, the first working example of a fully electronic television receiver.
  • LED lights

    LED lights
    In 1962 Nick Holonyak Jr. invented the LED, light-emitting diode which was an important improvement of actual light research.