Historia de Educación

  • Education in the Colonial period

    This colonial period was started in jamestown.Protestants tried to shape their schooling after the english way. After much trial the state ended up taking on the role of the parents, and were responsible for the children education. MOST IMPORTANT.
  • First educational Laws

    This was the first laws of schooling in Massachussetts in 1642. I reqired Parents to be responsible for their children to learn, no matter what the circumstances were. If the parents were said to be failing in this catgaory, someone else would fulfil their duty in teaching their children. Event hough this was the way it worked for parents and children an idea os contemporary schooling was implied by this law.
  • Thomas Jefferson and Education

    Thomas jefferson believed that education wa of the utmost importance to build a democratic society. A bill that he created would mandate three years of free public schooling to those children who were white and American. Achievement in schooling was based on meritourious instead of socioeconomic staus This was of MOST IMPORTANCE this made things very competitive in advancement oppurtunities.
  • Common Schools

    These schools were taught out of homes usually by widows or single elderly women for a very small fee. They taught their students the basics in reading writing and math. Girls were also allowed to attend these schools, but they were only aloowed to learn to spell read, and do needle work. This was the importance at the time.
  • monitorial schools, Charity Schools, and infant schools

    Monitorial schools were brought to America by a man by the name of Joseph Lancaster. There was one teacher who was responsible to teach hundred of students with the help of student teachers and older students who were leading in teir class. Charity Schools were free schools that would help educate the poor. for Some this was their only chance at getting an education. Infant schools were schools for children between the ages of 4-7 this eventually became what we know today as kindergaten. MO
  • Population growth and immigration in the 19th century

    Between 1830 and 1860 our population grew from 13 million to over 32 million people this was a huge growth in a short amount of time. of the 32 million at least 4 million were immigrants from other countries. These immigrants came from all over not just from europe which was origially thought. This resulted in what some believed to be a positive industrilaization. MOST IMPORTANT.
  • Impact of John Dewey

    John dewey was an inspirational thinker of philosophy, and a very intelligent man. Dewey is widely known for his progressive education model, which emphasizes on doing. He also believed in a child centered approach. where the voice of the student had meaning as well. Teacxhers realized that what they were teaching needed to be suitable for the students at that age level. MOST IMPORTANT. without this type of model teachers could potentially teach over the head of their students, and the suc
  • Committee of ten

    This committee was established after the realization that there neede to be a heirarchy that thoughtfully hashed out the tough questons that were for the good of all people. Originally it started with 11 questions so the group had something to work on. After that they took voluntary questions, and did their best to solve those questions which dealt with education. MOST IMPORTANT. a board would have been a great way of giving answers to a community similar to what happen in todays world.

    There was a very quiet but yet cognitive knowing thata push for secondary schools needed to be applied. During the early to mid 1900's severl studies were performed and showed a great lack in rural towns for secondary schools. This created masses of declined oppurtunities.By pushing for secondary schools people could really be more advanced in school and make more money.
  • Progressive reform movement

    They believed the schools should and would support the need for creative thinking It called for the schools to be cleaner and to bring in more of the natural light of the sun. They wanted there to be less students to every teacher. basic healthcare and food services were also available.
  • The G.I. Bill

    During WWii attnedance in elementary, secondary and college levels schools dropped considerably because of the war.. People were very much consumed in war efforts whether they were out fighting or back at home. When the war ended and the soldiers returned home few of them had the means to return to school and finish their education. The GI bill helped get these soldiers back into school and assisted them i finishing. HUGELY IMPORTANT. Without the GI bill as it stated there would be so many
  • Launching Of sputnik

    The russian astronauts were the first one to launch an aircraft into space. The u.S. very very worried and obsolete by this new part in history. In turn this derived into education, and math and science were taken so much more seriously. It created longer school days, and more in depth Teaching. MOST IMPORTANT. This really helped the US be on the map again being so worried we worked hard to prepare our kids for the future.
  • Civil rights Movement

    When this movement first beganin 1964 it covered employers and labor unions, and at this time did not apply to education associations until 1972. since it was ammended it was employed by educators to challenge discriminatory practices in schools.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    This case ended legal segregation of schools. This case was filed by thirteen parents for their twenty children. Their children had to go miles to get to their school even though a ‘white’ school was just blocks away. At first the case was lost in the courtroom. The parents then took it to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court stated that the constitution was color blind and sided with the parents. This case and others led to desgregation in schools.