220px henry ford 1919

Henry Ford

  • Henry Ford was born on a farm in Greenfield Township, Michigan, USA

  • Ford left home to work as an apprentice machinist in Detroit

  • Ford returned to Dearborn to work on the family farm, where he became adept at operating the Westinghouse portable steam engine.

  • Ford married Clara Ala Bryant (1866–1950)

  • Ford became an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company

  • Ford's son, Edsel, was born

  • Ford began his personal experiments on gasoline engines

  • Creation of a self-propelled vehicle which he named the Ford Quadricycle

  • Ford maintained an interest in auto racing

    Ford maintained an interest in auto racing
  • Ford designed, built, and successfully raced a 26-horsepower automobile

  • Murphy and other stockholders in the Detroit Automobile Company formed the Henry Ford Company with Ford as chief engineer.

  • Ford left the company bearing his name. With Ford gone, Murphy renamed the company the Cadillac Automobile Company

  • Ford produced the 80+ horsepower racer "999"

  • Foundation of the Ford Motor Company

  • The Model T was introduced

  • Ford introduced the moving assembly belts into his plants, which enabled an enormous increase in production

  • Ford assembly line

    Ford assembly line
  • Ford was a pioneer of "welfare capitalism"

  • Ford astonished the world by offering a $5 per day wage ($120 today), which more than doubled the rate of most of his workers

    Ford astonished the world by offering a $5 per day wage ($120 today), which more than doubled the rate of most of his workers
  • Publishing the book My Life and Work

  • Creation of the Ford Airways - Ford Airplane Company

  • Ford Model A was introduced

  • Died in Fair Lane, his Dearborn estat