Henry Ford

  • Henry Ford was born

    Henry Ford was born
    he was born in Greenfield Township. his town was later named Dearborn, Michigan.
  • Henry Ford moved out

    Henry Ford moved out
    he was 16. He moved to detroit to be an apprentice machinist.
  • Henry ford got a job at the Edison Illumination company

    Henry ford got a job at the Edison Illumination company
    He worked for Thomas Edison. He became really good friends with Thomas Edison.
  • Henry Fords kid was born

    Henry Fords kid was born
    His son was name Edsel Bryant Ford. Edsel was his only child.
  • model A made

    model A made
    the fisrt car that was on the market. this wasnt the first car he made, it was the Quadricycle.
  • Henry Ford made the Ford Motor Company

    Henry Ford made the Ford Motor Company
    It took two tries to make the company. The first car on the market was the first version of the Model A.
  • model T production started

    model T production started
    This was the most famous car he made. he sold 15 million model T's before production ended.
  • The Moving Assembly line was created.

    The Moving Assembly line was created.
    The Moving Assembly line wasn't used only for cars, it is used for almost any product now a days.
  • henry ford lost bid for US. Senate

    he was a very political person. he was very involed with war too.
  • Edsel b. Ford named president of the ford motor company

    he didn't last long as president. he died soon after he was named president.
  • model T production stops, Model A production begins

    model T production stops, Model A production begins
    this was a remake of the model A. it didn't outsell the model T.
  • Edsel Bryant Ford died at 49 years old.

    he died before his dad and mom. he was kinda young.
  • Henry Ford died at 83 years old

    Henry Ford died at 83 years old
    he was 83 years old. he almost doubled his son's age.