
  • Broken Ankle / Physical Health

    Broken Ankle / Physical Health
    Johnny breaks his ankle playing basketball, he is sad but he goes to the doctor to get help. His ankle heals and he can go back to his normal life
  • Health Goal

    Health Goal
    Johnny is going to start eating healthier, and drink more water, to be ready for basketball season.
  • Stress

    Johnny has allot of school work due tomorrow and he is really stressed, he makes a schedule to use his time wisely and get all of his work done.
  • Best friend drinking

    Best friend drinking
    Johnnys friend starts drinking on the weekends, Johnny doesn't like that so he tells his friend about all the risks of drinking like liver problems, cancer, memory loss, and vision loss.
  • Grandpa Dies

    Grandpa Dies
    Johnny is sad about his grandpas death, he is in denial and can't accept it. He has locked himself in his room and won't talk to anyone, After that, he is angry. He is very irratable and gets mad at most people who speak to him
  • Healthier Food

    Healthier Food
    Johnny needs to eat healthier in order to stay away from health risks, he now has a lower risk of heart disease, liver cancer, and memory loss.
  • Smoking

    Smoking is bad, Johnny doesn't want any of his friends to start smoking. He tells him about the yellow teeth, lung cancer, and respiritory problems.
  • Drunk Driving

    Drunk Driving
    Johnnys friend wants to drink and drive, you tell him about the risks of driving under the influence such as accidentally hit someone, or getting into big trouble with the police.
  • Flu

    Johnny has the flu, he has to drink plenty of water and spend a lot of time resting.
  • Puberty Begins

    Puberty Begins
    Johnny begins to be more emotional and sometimes gets angrier faster. He also begins to develop more body hair and muscle mass.
  • Abstinence

    Johnny makes a pledge to stay abstinent, his parents tell him it's a good choice because not only is he avoiding getting a girl pregnant, but he also is avoiding getting STD's, and avoiding getting into trouble.