hatchet timeline-munoz

  • brians dad moved out

    brians dad moved out
    his dad moved to canada
  • the devorce

    the devorce
  • plane crash

    plane crash
    Brian was in the plane and it ran out of gas. He aimed the plane at a lake he saw that was shaped like an L. Brian threw up right before he crashed then swam out of the plane as it was sinking in the water.
  • Brians piolit dies

    Brians piolit dies
    the piolit driving the plane had a heart attack and died leaving brian to have to fly the plane
  • the bear

    the bear
    Brian saw a bear while picking Berries
  • the porcupine

    the porcupine
    a porcupine came into brians shelter and brain threw his hatchet at it to scare it away
  • the fire

    the fire
    he made fire with the sparks form the hatchet hitting the rock.
  • the missed plane

    the missed plane
    a plane flew over brian and he was to far away to light the signal fire
  • the cutting

    the cutting
    brian cut his wrist beacuse he was so sad obiut missing the plane
  • the first feast day

    the first feast day
    brian had a feast of fish
  • first arrow day

    first arrow day
    he made an arrow from feathers and a thread from his windbreaker
  • the moose

    the moose
    brian was attacked by a moose while cleaning a foolbird
  • the tornado

    the tornado
    a tornado struck Brians area and destroyed everything
  • the wolf

    the wolf
    brian saw a wolf while hunting for foolbirds
  • the survival pack

    the survival pack
    brian got the survival pack from the inside of the plane
  • the rescue

    the rescue
    brian was rescued after being in the wilderness for 54 days