Harmony Boucher - WWII Timeline

  • Hitler appointed German Chancellor

  • Anti-Jewish Boycott

  • German President Von Hindenburg dies

  • Hitler abolishes the office of president

  • Jews barred from serving in the German armed forces

  • Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy form the Rome-Berlin Axis treaty

  • World war ll starts

  • Germany invades Poland

  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

  • England wins war’s first sea battle

  • Start of the German offensive in western Europe

  • Battle of Britain begins

  • Battle of Britain begins

  • Germany invades the Soviet Union

  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

  • Germany declares war against the USA

  • Germans establish Treblinka concentration camp

  • Germans launch battle of Kursk

  • Italy surrenders

  • D-Day

  • Failed attempt to assassinate Hitler

  • Battle of Bulge begins

  • Hitler commits suicide

  • Germany surrenders

  • World War ll ends