Harlem Renaissance

  • Period: to

    Great Migration

  • The NAACP is founded.

    The NAACP is founded.
    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is founded.
  • James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography.

    James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography.
    James Weldon Johnson's influential novel Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man is published.
  • Marcus Garvey- United Negro Improvement Association

    Marcus Garvey- United Negro Improvement Association
    Jamaican-born Marcus Garvey arrives in Harlem and founds the United Negro Improvement Association, an organization that urges blacks to unite and form their own nation.
  • African American soldiers are welcomed back as heroes.

    The 369th Infantry Regiment, a highly decorated unit made up entirely of African American soldiers, returns from World War I to a heroes' welcome in Harlem.
  • "Shuffle Along" opens on broadway.

    The musical revue Shuffle Along opens on Broadway, delighting audiences with its high-energy singing and dancing and, many believe, providing the spark that ignites the Harlem Renaissance.
  • First drama written by a black playwright on Broadway.

    First drama written by a black playwright on Broadway.
    The National Ethiopian Art Players produce Willis Richardson's The Chip Woman, the first drama by a black playwright to appear on the Broadway stage.
  • The Cotton Club Opens

    The Cotton Club Opens
    Harlem's largest and most famous cabaret, the Cotton Club, opens.
  • "The Weary Blues" is published.

    "The Weary Blues" is published.
    Langston Hughes's first volume of poetry, The Weary Blues, is published.