
Hardware History Timeline

  • Personal computer

    Invented by Philip Don Estrdige.
  • Nintendo

    Invented by Fusajro Yamauchi.
  • E-Books

    Invented by Micheal Hart.
  • Antanasoff Berry Computer (ABC)

    invented by John Vincent Antasnasoff.
  • Vacuum Tubes

    Dependable machine language, but it had the lowesr level of lanuguage and perform by computers . Vacuum tubes were used for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory .
  • Game counsloes

    Invented by Ralph H. Baer.
  • Transistors

    Transisitors took over vacuum tubes . They became popular in the 1950s . Also , Transistors are smaller , faster , cheaper , have more enegery , and dependable .
  • DEC PDP 9 Digital Equipment Corporation

    Invented by Ed Franklin.
  • Integrated Circuits

    The intergrated circuits was a landmark . They are smaller and are placed on semiconductors . Plus , they are used through keyboards, monitors , and operating systems .
  • Minicomputers

    Invented by John Regarht .
  • Microprocessors

    Microprocessors were used everyday . Also, Intel 4004 chip were in all the parts of a computer in a Microprocessors.
  • Digital camera

    Invented by Steven Sasson.
  • Kodak DCS

    Invented by Steven Sasson.
  • Microcomputers

    Invented by John Regarht .
  • IBM PC

    Invented by Philip Don Estridge.
  • Laptop

    Invented by Adam Osbourne.
  • Web Cam

    Invented by two Cambdrigde students.
  • Smartphones

    Invented by IBM Company.
  • Apple computer

    Invented by Steve Wozniak.
  • Artifical Intelligence

    Applications in the Artifical Intelligence are still being used today . Plus , Artifical Intelligence are still being made . The fifth generation lets devices answer to natural language input , being able to learn , and organize .