Niels bohr

Niels Henrik David Bohr

  • Born

    Niels Bohr was born into an upper middle class family in Copenhagen Denmark. He was the second of three children. His parents were Ellen and Christen Bohr, his father Christian was nominated twice for the Nobel Prize. Aaserud, Finn. “Niels Bohr Danish Physicist.” Encyclopedia Britanica, 30 Aug. 2019,
  • Bohr Atomic Model

    Bohr Atomic Model
    Bohr was working with Ernest Rutherford at the University of Manchester. After the Swiss Mathemetician Johann Balmer came up with the mathematical formula that predicted wavelengths, Bohr's idea took off. He was able to use Balmer's formula to show why this new quantum theory worked. In doing this, he became known as the father of quantum mechanics and the Bohr Atomic Model was born. Link text
  • Bohr's Institute For Theoretical Physics

    Bohr's Institute For Theoretical Physics
    Bohr was offered a new professorship at the University of Copenhagen. While there he pursued the establishment of an Institute for Theoretical Physics. This department was a gateway for many upcoming events for Bohr and students alike. The department now offers departments in areas such as nanotechnology, particle physics, bio physics and quantum mechanics.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    Bohr was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922 for his research and contributions on the structure of an atom. Bohr receiving the Nobel Prize was a dramatic turnabout. The Nobel Prize foundation for a long time had strongly questioned the new field of Quantum Physics. “The Nobel Prize.” – Niels Bohr Institute - University of Copenhagen, 20 July 2012,
  • Fission

    Niels Bohr publicly announces the splitting of the uranium atom. This fission resulted in the release of two hundred million electron volts of energy, bringing about the beginning of the atomic age. In washington D.C when the discovery of fission had been shared, it did not take long for physicists to realize the fission process with uranium could be used to make weapons of mass destruction.
  • The Manhattan Project

    The Manhattan Project
    After fleeing to Sweden from Denmark due to German occupation. Bohr began his work on the Manhattan Project. Bohr served mainly as a "scientific father confessor" to the scientists, clarifying their problems with the atomic bomb and offering possible approaches that might be taken. Long, Doug. “Niels Bohr The Atomic Bomb And Beyond.” Doug-Long,
  • Died

    Bohr spent his later years pushing for peaceful applications of atomic energy. He envisioned an "open world" type of existence between countries that allowed for true cultural exchange. Bohr passed away in his home town of Copenhagen Denmark due to a stroke. His legacy lived on through his son Aage who also won a Nobel Prize in physics in 1975. Mastin, L. (2009, October). Early Modern World. Retrieved [Sep,22 2019], from