Hamlet, Only act

  • Act 1

    Act 1
    Hamlet, Horatio, Marcellus, Barnardo saw the ghost at midnight. Hamlet followed to the ghost and the ghost explain to Hamlet what happened to King Hamlet.
  • Act 2

    Act 2
    Laertes told to Ophelia ignore to Hamlet and he is no good for her. Ophelia obeyed him. Then Polonius told to Claudius and Gertrude about Hamlet. Then Polonius decdied to talk with Hamlet and Hamlet insulted him a lot.
  • Act 3

    Act 3
    Hamlet was yelling at Ophelia about don't marry with other men. Then he leaved her alone then Claudius and Polonius heard whole happen then they had a plan about Hamlet.
  • Act 4

    Act 4
    Hamlet killed Polonius in Queen's bedroom then Hamlet yelled at Gertrude then the ghost showed up and told him to don't yell at his mom then Hamlet sorry to her then he leave that room with polonius' body. Gertrude told to Claudius what happened to Hamlet and polonius. Then Claudius called on Cuilderstern and Rosencrantz to find hamlet and polonius' body.
  • Act 5

    Act 5
    Hamlet was fencing to Laertes then Gertrude died from drink poison then Hamlet was upset with Claudius then he stabbed Claudius and he died. Then Laertes was dead from stabbed with poison also to same to Hamlet then Hamlet died. Horatio is only one who alive in the caste.