• Jan 1, 1364

    First Gun Made(Hand Cannon)

    t was in 1364 that mankind first recorded the use of a firearm. These weapons, called “hand cannons,” were the first step in the creation of guns. Just 14 years later, handguns were already making their way across Europe.
  • The Manual Pistol(First Handgun)

    he next major advancement in gun technologies came in 1640, when the first true flintlock emerged. As PBS notes, this particular technology solved a problem that had been hampering shooters for quite some time. For much of the gun’s existence up to this point, a lid was used to protect or expose powder — a tool that had to be moved manually.
  • The Percussion Cap Gun

    The flintlock’s technology finally peaked around 1825 when the percussion-detonating principle was in general use. claims that percussion-cap guns, invented and patented by the Rev. John Forsyth in the early 1800s, no longer required a flash pan. By the time the Civil War rolled around, both the Union and Confederate forces were using the newfound technology.
  • Rifles Evloving(Windchester)

    n 1873, the Winchester Rifle emerged, distinguishing itself as an immensely-popular firearm. In 1887, the first repeating shotguns were released by the company and, in 1903, Winchester again made history when it created the first automatic rifle.
  • The Gail

    The Galil is a family of Israeli small arms designed by Yisrael Galil and Yaacov Lior in the late 1960s and produced by Israel Military Industries Ltd (now Israel Weapon Industries Ltd) of Ramat HaSharon. The rifle design borrows heavily from the AK-47 and has a modified gas diversion system similar to the AK-47 to reduce the recoil of the rifle making it easier to fire especially in automatic mode
  • The Modern Handgun Glock (Most Poplar Pistol Today)

    lock is the single most popular manufacturer of handguns in the United States. Thanks to a marketing department that could sell bayonets to millionaires and billionaires, Glock’s brick-like semi-automatic pistols are universally recognized, glamorized and immortalized