Great Depression

  • Period: to

    Great Migration

    African-Americans moved from southern plantations to northern cities in large numbers in search of work. African Americans in cities suffered high unemployment as factories and businesses failed.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Abruptly and greatly reduced prices of goods, causing many to lose jobs and others to face lower wages. Marked the beginning of the Great Depression.
  • Hawley-Smoot

    Passed by President Hoover, created high tariffs to discourage imports. The tariff caused other nations to respond with their own tariffs, worsened international relations. Exports worldwide decreased by 50%.
  • R. B. Bennett elected

    Bennett promised Canada action and relief with increased tariffs, contrasting King's cautious approach.
  • Military dictatorship established in Argentina

    Democratic ruler, Yrigoyen was overthrown. A military faction under General Uriburu was established.
  • Vargas elected Brasil's President

    Led many revolts against established government in time of economic weakness. Vargas implemented political dominance and took authoritarian powers. Vargas supported coffee industry yet diversified crops. Vargas was elected after losing earlier in 1930.
  • Period: to

    Dust Bowl

    A period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the US and Canadian prairies during the 1930s. The drought, overproduction, and failure to rotate crops contributed to the Dust Bowl. Many American families migrated west. Houses, farms, and farming equipment were destroyed.
  • FDR beats Hoover in election

    Landslide victory, American people vote for FDR who brought hope and confidence back to the people. FDR promised change and was able to persuade people.
  • First Fireside Chat

    FDR announced changes in the banking system and foreshadowed the New Deal. This was the first time in American history that the people felt connected to the federal government.
  • First New Deal

    FDR passes his First New Deal, reflected his bold intiatives to reform the economic system of the U.S. to stimulate industry. The New Deal's goal was quick economic recovery. First New Deal included AAA, FDIC, NRA, CWA, PWA, FERA, CCC, TVA, SEC, etc.
  • Roca-Runciman Treaty

    Signed between Argentina and the U.K. to secure a positive trade relationship. Both countries promised to prefer each other's goods.
  • Regina Manifesto

    Established the goals of the CCF in Canada, involved a rejection of the free market system and government control of the financial sector.
  • Security and Exchange Commission founded

    Provided stock market oversight in the U.S. by providing insider trading and manipulation by large investors.
  • Constitution of 1934, Brasil

    Brought progressive nationalism of industries, such as mines, mineral deposits, and waterfalls and others deemed necessary for economic/military defense.
  • Bank of Canada established

    Bennett established first central Canadian bank to coordinate government monetary policy. Stabilized and regulated banking system.
  • Regina Riot

    Royal Canadian Mountain Police arrested over 100 trekkers and effectively ended the worker's movement.
  • Wagner Act

    Guaranteed labor rights for American citizens, such as collective bargaining. Helped FDR's laws appear more favorable to government economic involvement.
  • Congress passes Social Security

    National fund created for retirees, unemployed, and disabled; insured people's wellbeing. Social Security was one of the longest lasting changes of the New Deal.
  • Mackenzie King elected to third term

    King elected to third term, began a long period of time in office. King began a fairly successful economic recovery in comparison to Conservatives.
  • Period: to

    Recession of 1937

    U.S. unemployment rose to 19% as a result of increased taxes and decreased spending, removing the stimulus to participate in the economy.
  • Estado Novo established

    After coup d'etat (Vargas's term due to end). New political and economic system, based on corporatism (close economic collaboration between workers and employers under the centralized direction of the government).
  • Start of WWII

    Marked by Hitler's invasion of Poland. Helped create the demand (for war materials) necessary to put people into work and end the Great Depression.