
Government discussion 2

By TheDan
  • End of Revolutionary War

    This allowed us to start constructing out government.
  • Treaty of Paris oficialized the end of Revolutinary War.

    It allowed the American people to settle and feel more comfortable to stand up for how they want their government to be ran
  • The U.S. dolar was adopted

    This allowed the government to use one currency instead of multiple
  • Start of Northwest Indian War

    This war began due to the government wanting to expand.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    This was when teh government realized that people have a voice and they can affect the government.
  • The drafting of the constitution

    The government started to form a set of rules that all citizen must abide
  • John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton write the federalists papers

    These were the papers that backed up the constitution, and made people realize that they liked the papers
  • They start to "amend" the articles of confederation.

    While they were "amending" the articles they ended up forming the basis of the new constitution
  • Delaware, Pennsilvania, and New Jersey become states.

    These were the first states to join forces with the government
  • Constitution got ratified

    This was when those rules got solidified and the government had some ground to stand on to expand.