Gonzo Timeline

  • Mark Birthday party Trust Vs. Mistrust

    Mark Birthday party Trust Vs. Mistrust
    Mark(age 1) had his birthday party at the embassy suite along with all his family members. He was left alone for a brief moment and became nervous but became excited when mom return to blow out the candles.
    In Erikson 1st stage Trust Vs. Mistrust the issue was his mother leaving. Figure that if she didn't return he couldn't trust her(mistrust). When she return he became happy in which he built that trust for his mother.
  • Mark way of playing games Initiative Vs. Guilt

    Mark way of playing games Initiative Vs. Guilt
    Mark(age 4) During a simple play with his older brother. He decided he should ask to play hide and seek. Since Mark know his brother will participate, he ask him. They then began to play hide and seek.
    Erikson Third stage, Initiative Vs. Guilt Mark initiate hide and seek but in the meantime didn't felt guilt to ask. So Mark and his brother began to play hide and seek.
  • Mark is ready to settle down Intimacy Vs. Isolation

    Mark is ready to settle down Intimacy Vs. Isolation
    Mark(age 23) wanted to show his value for his girlfriend. He then surprised her with a proposal at his opening pool tournament game. he was unsure if she was ready to finally be tied down just the both of them forever.
    Erikson sixth stage Intimacy Vs. Isolation. Mark loved his girlfriend so the proposal was his sign of intimacy. The fact the he was unsure of her answer, he risk the chance of her rejecting him to cause him to back off causing isolation.