Germany's Move to War

  • Little Entente

    France, Czechosolvakia, Romania, & Yugoslavia formed an alliance
    Germany felt threatened
  • World Disarmament Conference

    held in Geneva, Switzerland
    Reduce the size of armies
    France would only reduce the size of it’s army if Britain and the U.S. promised a security guarantee
    Britain and the U.S. refused
    France’s desire to keep the size of it’s army inspired Germany for future rearmament
    Germany left the conference as well as the League of Nations
  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor

  • Dollfuss Assassination

    Austrian dictator, Engelbert Dollfuss, assassinated by the Austrian Nazi Party (influence in other countries was destructive)
  • The 'New Plan'

    With trade, Germany made sure to receive things equally as valuable, or things more valuable than what they were giving away (Germany traded with countries that had exports with equal to or greater value than their imports)
    Successes of economic policy: food cheaper, $ for military rearmament, other european countries got more dependent of G bc trade
  • Polish-German Non-Agression Pact

    That the countries wouldn’t attack each other for 10 yrs
    Poland agreed bc → Poland didnt feel threatened by Germany bc Poland had: big army, French alliance, and more concerns abt Sov Union
    Germany agreed bc → Germany didnt feel threatened by P, Germany would get food+metal through trade, AND this would weaken Polish and France alliance
    France didnt like this alliance
    Sov Union didnt either → cooperation created via Rapallo Treaty between SU and G was destroyed
    Caused SU to join LoN
  • Stresa Front

    formed by Britain, France, and Italy
    To protect themselves against Germany
    This front collapsed when Italy invaded Abyssinia 1935
  • Anglo-German Naval Treaty

    Between Germany & Britain
    Britain allowed Germany to counter ToV terms and have navy
  • Saar Plebiscite

    section of Germany was administered by the League of Nations
    according to a plebiscite conducted in 1935, over 90% of the residents of Saar wanted to join Germany
  • Remilitarized the Rhineland

    German troops remilitarized Rhineland
    France didn't respond
    Britain offered to support France if Germany attacked
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Between Italy & Germany
  • Period: to

    The Four-Year Plan

    Self sufficiency and rearmament
    To prepare Germany for war according to Richard Overy
  • Sudeten Crisis

    Anschluss inspired it
    Germans in Czechoslovakia wanted to become part of Germany
  • Anschluss

    Germany took over Austria because of the number of Germans there and Nazi’s in Austria
  • Munich Agreement

    Between Germany, Italy, Britain, and France
    Allowed Germany to take over Czechoslovakia (annexation)
    Peace created by this agreement lasted 6 months
  • Period: to

    Polish Crisis

    Germany wanted to add Poland to list of annexed countries (Austria and Czech)
    German desire to regain Free City of Danzig and Polish Corridor (this separated Germany from East Prussia)
    Wanted a 25-year non-aggression pact with Poland, and wanted to help them get land
    Hitler demanded return of of Danzig in October 1938 (part of Germany until after WWI, locally governed by Nazis)
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    secretly negotiated not to engage in war
    Said Russia would get areas of Poland they had lost during WWI
    Germany used this as a tactic to ensure that Russia didn’t invade Poland for themselves
  • Pact of Steel

    German pact with Italy since they became paranoid about Britain + France
    Support/shared plans for war
    Close policies for propaganda and foreign policies
  • Invasion of Poland

    Poland refused to negotiate Germany’s terms of giving land back, so France and Britain continued support
    Mobilization: Aug. 12, 1939