German Expansion

  • Austria and Czechoslovakia Fall

    Austria and Czechoslovakia Fall
    Hilter met with his top military advisors. He declared that Germany needed the land of it's neighbors to grow and prosper.
  • Union with Austria

    Union with Austria
    German marchced in to Austria unopposed. Germany announced that its union with Austria was complete a day later.
  • Bargining for the Sudetenland

    Bargining for the Sudetenland
    Hilter, the French premier Edouard Daladier, and British prime minister Neville Chamberlain met and signed the Munich Agreement which turned over the Sudetenland over to Germany without causing a war.
  • The German Offensive Begins

    The German Offensive Begins
    German troops invaded the reminants of Czechoslovakia.
  • Hilter's Routine

    Hilter's Routine
    Hilter began his usual routine, charging that Germans in Poland were mistreated by the Poles and needed his protection. Some people believed that Hilter was bluffing.
  • Poland Declares Neutrality

    Poland Declares Neutrality
    Germany and Comunist Russia now commited never to attack each other. Germany and the Soviet Union also signed a second, secret pact agreeing to divide Poland between them.
  • Blitzkrieg in Poland

    Blitzkrieg in Poland
    The German air force flew over Poland dropping bombs on their military bases, air fields, railroads, and cities. During this time, Geramn tanks raced acrossed the Polish countryside. This invasion was the first test of Germany's newest military strategey know as the blitzkrieg also known as lightening war.
  • Declaring War

    Declaring War
    Two days falling the terror in Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany.
  • Phony War Ended

    Phony War Ended
    Hilter launched a suprise invasion of Denmark and Norway in order "to protect those countries freedom and independence". In realality, Hilter wanted to build bases along the coasts to strike at Great Britain. He then turned against the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxenmbourg. By the end of May these countries had been overrun and the phony war ended.
  • The Fall of France

    The Fall of France
    Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender. Germans would occupy the northern part of France, and a Nazi-controlled government, headed by Marshall Philippe Petain in southern France.