Gerald ford 1

Gerald Ford (1974-1977)

  • Day of Birth

    Day of Birth
    Leslie Lynch King, Omaha, Nebraska.He had one half-brother and two half-sisters.
  • Period: to


    Young Ford attends elementary school at Madison Elementary in Grand Rapids, MI. He briefly attends East Grand Rapids Elementary while the family lives there.
  • Boy scout

    On his twelfth birthday, Ford joins the local Boy Scout Troop 15 of Trinity Methodist Church in Grand Rapids and two years later attains the rank of Eagle Scout.
  • Ford graduated highschool

    Ford graduated highschool
    Ford graduated highschool and then went to the University of Michigan.
  • Graduation

    He graduated from the University of Michagan.
  • Name Changes

    He legally changes his name to Gerald R. Ford, Jr.
  • Yale

    Ford graduates in the top third of his law school class at Yale.
  • Yale

    He worked as a football coach at Yale.
  • First job

    First job
    Gerald Ford enlisted in the army where he had a short military career.Later he returned home where his political career started to take off.
  • Congress

    He becomepart of the US congressman for Michigan.
  • Marrage

    Betty and Gerald were married on October 15, 1948 around 4 p.m. at Grace Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
  • U.S. Congressman

    U.S. Congressman
    Ford is elected to his first term as a U.S. Congressman from Grand Rapids, receiving 60.5% of the vote.Gerald Ford was part of the Republican Party in the White House.
  • Birth of 1st child

    Birth of 1st child
    Michael Gerald Ford was born on Mach 14th ,1950.
  • Second term of Congrassman

    Second term of Congrassman
    Ford wins his second term as Congressman from the fifth district with 66% of the vote, and was always involed in politics.
  • Brth of 2nd child

    Brth of 2nd child
    John (Jack) Gardner Ford was born.
  • 3rd child born

    3rd child born
    Steven Meigs Ford was born on May 19th,1956.
  • Birth of 4th child

    Birth of 4th child
    Susan Elizabeth Ford was born on July 6, 1957.
  • Election

    Nixon is elected President.
  • Elected Vice president

    Elected Vice president
    He was vice president for president Nixion.
  • Law

    Satarted to make a charge of income tax evasion.
  • Period: to


    Gerald Ford served for the USA.
  • Law

    The Freedom of Information Act is passed over Ford's veto. It provides expanded access to government files and allows secrecy classifications to be challenged in court and justified by the appropriate federal authorities.
  • Effect on the USA

    Effect on the USA
    Ford signs the Privacy Act of 1974, to ensuring the right of Americans to individual privacy, and made sure every single person had their rights in this nation.
  • 2nd assenation atemt

    Ford survived 2 assasination attempts because they didn't like that Nixson was not presient anymore.
    This was not the best for the USA's peolpe.