George Washington's Life

By SeanL10
  • Washington is born

    Washington was born February 22nd, 1732, in Virginia of the British Colonies
  • School finished

    It it is believed that Washington finished his formal school when he was 15.
  • Land Surverying

    At 16, he was hired to survey the Shenandoah land for Lord Thomas Fairfax
  • Trip to Barbados

    Along with his brother, Lawrence, they set out to Barbados to see if the warm temperature to help with his TB, George would end up getting smallpox.
  • Lawrence's Death

    Due to his brothers death, George would end up inheriting his estate on Mount Vernon.
  • Commission in the Militia

    He was given a commission as a Lieutenant Colonel and lead a company in the French and Indian War
  • Promotion

    Washington was then promoted to the rank of Colonel
  • In Battle

    Washington while in battle, had his horse shot out from under him twice, and have his superior officer General Edward Braddock
  • Retaking the Fort

    Washington once again, leads his forces into battle, and would recapture Fort Duquesne, a fort he had lost prior to the French
  • Leaving the Army

    At the end of the French and Indian War, he resigned his commision, and left to Mount Vernon.
  • Commander-in-chief

    In 1775, Congress elected that George Washington was to lead the Continental Army
  • Crossing the Delaware

    Come around Christmas time of 1776, Washington's men were at low morale, and close to breaking, but Washington would lead his men across the Delaware River and March to a Hessian position, and capture them and receive lots of equipment.
  • Valley Forge

    Enter the winter of 1777, Washington and his men would face the hardship and reach one of the lowest points throughout the war.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    Washington along with support from the French Navy and Army encircled the British Army in the South at Yorktown, and effectively end the Revolution.
  • Peace

    The formal peace treaty, the Treaty of Paris would be signed in 1783
  • 1st President

    Unanimously elected by his peers, it is decided George Washington will be the first US President.
  • Reelection

    Once again, Washington would be the US President after a unanimous reelection.
  • Whiskey's Rebellion

    Washington would lead federal troops against a rebellion and show the Federal government was willing to enforce laws.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Washington signs a treaty between the US and Britain that would help avoid war between the two nations.
  • Washington resigns

    After another four year term, Washington declines to take a third, his example of Presidency would be a model for years to come