GCU 113 History

  • First English Settlement

    First English Settlement
    The US was founded through immigration. As a newer country, all citizens are immigrants or descendents of immigrants. The US becomes known for a place of freedom and opportunity and many more immigrants begin to come.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    These acts raised the requirements for citizenship, passed by President John Adams. Any immigrant considered dangerous could be sent to prison. We still see today problems with citizenship paperwork and it being difficult to obtain citizenship.
  • Gadsten Purchase

    Gadsten Purchase
    The Gadsten Purchase bought land from Mexico that makes up present-day Arizona and New Mexico. There was conflict between who's land this was after the Mexican-American War. This purchase made the area US territory, bringing on a new problem of the citizenship of the people living there.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    The Chinese Exclusion Act passed in the US, causing immigrants needing to come illegally. With laws passed against immigration, and immigrants still entering the United States, problems are bound to occur. Later, other racial problems started, like with the immigration problems we have today.
  • Statue Of Liberty

    Statue Of Liberty
    The US receives the Statue of Liberty as a gift from France. This statue is a symbol welcoming immigration. This later turns to be ironic will the immigration problems and attempts to stop and/or regulate immigration.
  • Ellis Island Opens As Immigrant Checkpoint

    Ellis Island Opens As Immigrant Checkpoint
    Ellis Island opened as a checkpoint for all incoming immigrants to the United States. Within the next 8 years, over 12 million immigrants came through. This made the immigration process easier, and the immigration rates raised.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th Amendment declared anyone born on US territory a citizen. This later caused problems, that we still see today, with illegal or undocumented immigrants giving birth in the US. Their children are citizens, but the parents are not. This causes problems with staying in and leaving the country.
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution caused many Mexican citizens to cross the border into the US to leave the war and get better jobs.
  • Arizona Becomes A State

    Arizona Becomes A State
    Arizona becomes a US state. Arizona develops their own government and can therefore pass their own laws. This is important later when Arizona passes immigration laws for the state. As a border state with Mexico, Arizona is expected to have Border Patrol and possible immigration problems.
  • US Border Patrol Established

    US Border Patrol Established
    The US created Border Patrol to protect it's borders from neighboring countries. Originally, the Border Patrol watched over the coastline as well for incoming immigrants.
  • Ellis Island Cloeses

    Ellis Island Cloeses
    Ellis Island is closed as an immigration checkpoint. There is no longer the easy access for immigrants, as they now can enter in illegally more easily.
  • Proof for Drivers License

    Proof for Drivers License
    Arizona legislature passes law requiring proof of legal citizenship to obtain a drivers license. This now makes undocumented immigrants drive illegally in AZ, but easier to know if a person is illegal by their having of a legal license.
  • English Only Classrooms

    English Only Classrooms
    Arizona voters pass a law for education in Arizona to be English-Only. Teachers may not use any other language in class, and classrooms may not be taught bilingually. This helps students be immersed in English, but may cause frustration as well. It is harder for teachers to communicate with some parents and these parents to know what is happening at school.
  • September 11 Attack

    September 11 Attack
    The September 11 Attack caused the US to to expand border defense. Racism and fear starts with middle-eastern people. Immigration becomes more difficult as the US fears terrorism.
  • Arizona SB 1070

    Arizona SB 1070
    The Arizona SB 1070 law passes, making it illegal for undocumented immigrants to be in the state. Legal immigrants must carry papers with them as proof of citizenship. Police may question anyone.
  • AZ Law Penalizes Businesses Hiring Undocumented Immigrants

    AZ Law Penalizes Businesses Hiring Undocumented Immigrants
    The Supreme Court approves and upholds Arizona's law that penalizes any business that hires undocumented immigrants to work for them by revoking or suspending licenses. Many other states have followed Arizona and implemented similar laws.
  • Pres. Obama Prevent Deportation Of Illegal Immigrants

    Pres. Obama Prevent Deportation Of Illegal Immigrants
    US attempts to pass law deporting illegal and undocumented immigrants. Pres. Obama prohibits the deportation of parents of citizens, and allows them to legally take jobs. This could increase the immigration problem because anyone born on US territory is a citizen, and parents can now stay too.