Gas Men!!!

  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Born February 15th, 1564 and died on January 8th 1642 at the age of 78. Galileo's claim to fame was that he was the first person to say that it was possible for there to be a water pump. Galileo was 30 years old when he made this discovery. Another interesting fact about Galileo Galilei was that he enrolled to do a medical degree at the University of Pisa but never finished,
  • Christiaan Huygens

    Christiaan Huygens
    Christiaan Huygens was born on April 14th, 1629. He died July 8, 1695 at the age of 66. Around the age of 32 he discovered the "Manometer" a device to measure the elastic force of gases. The elastic force of a gas is when it hits an object and the elastic force is the force it comes back with. He also invented the first working pendulum clock.
  • Evangelista Torricelli

    Evangelista Torricelli
    Born October 15th 1608 in Faenza Italy and died on October 25th 1647 at the age of 39. Torricelli's claim to fame is that he discovered that there is empty space or "emptiness". Torricelli was 36 years old when he made this discovery. An interesting fact about Torricelli is that he was Galileo's seceratary sand his successor as professor of philosophy and mathematics.
  • Blaise Pascal

    Blaise Pascal
    Blasie Pascal was born June 19th, 1623 and died on August 19th 1662 at the age of 39. Pascal's claim to fame was that he discovered that there are different air pressures at different altitudes. He made this discovery at the age of 25. An interesting fact about Pascal is that he was labled as a child protogie and his father pushed him very hard to do so.
  • Otto Von Guericke

    Otto Von Guericke
    Otto Von Guericke was born November 20th 1602 and died on May 11th 1686 at the age of 84. Von Guericke's claim to fame was that he created new air pumps to evacuate large amounts of air. He was 54 years old at the time of his discovery. An interesting fact about Von Guericke is that his hometown had a big fire and he spent a number of years helping to rebuild it.
  • Dalton

    John Dalton was born on September 6th 1766, he died at the age of 77 on July 27th 1844. At the age of 37 he started teaching the atomic theory. The theory states that all elements can be distinguished by their difference in weights. Out of this rose 6 laws about atoms and he also was able to figure out the laws of chemical combination. Dalton also wrote one of the first papers that explained color blindness.
  • Avogardo

    Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro di Quaregna e di Cerreto was born on August 9th, 1776 and died on July 9th 1856 at the age of 56. Around the age of 35 he created a theory that is now called Avogadro's law. The law states that all gases have the same amount of molecules at equal volume and temperature and pressure no matter the chemical nature or physical properties of a gas, His number, 6.022x10'23 is the number of molecules of all gases at 22.41 litres. He also worked in law until 1800.