Galileo timeline

  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo was born

    Galileo was born
    Galileo Galilei was born on February 15th to Vincenzo and Giulia Galilei. He was the oldest child out of 7 and lived in Pisa, Italy. He was a curious, red headed boy who was always constructing mechanical toys for his amusement.

    *Galileo: Astronomer and Physicist
  • Jan 1, 1571

    Spain, Venezia and Genova destroys Ottoman navy

    Spain, Venezia and Genova destroys Ottoman navy
    In 1571 at the battle of Lepanto, these three countries destroy the Ottoman navy. This event helped stop the Ottoman expantion in the Mediterranean.
  • Jan 1, 1581

    Galileo attends the University of Pisa

    Galileo attends the University of Pisa
    Galileo went to the University of Pisa to study medicines. He wanted to become a monk but wasn't given a choice by his father. Galileo designed Pulsilogia for doctors to measure their patients pulse.
    *Galileo: Astronomer and Physicist
  • Studied law of pendelum

    Studied law of  pendelum
    When Galileo was 20 years old, he noticed a lamp swinging overhead. He used his pulse to time the large and small swings. He realized that each swing took the same amount of time. The law of pendelum was later used to regulate clocks.
  • English navy defeats spanish armada

    English navy defeats spanish armada
    The english navy defeated what Spain called their "Invincible Armada". The spanish retreated back to Spain after 8 hours of fighting. The english navy was under the the command of Lord Charles Howard and Sr. Frances Drake at the time.
  • New stars appear in the heavens

    New stars appear in the heavens
    After observing the night sky, Galileo began to believe that the heavens change. After sharing his discoveries, Galileo earned a reputation as a noted and respected scientist.

    *Galileo: Astronomer an Physicist
  • Built telescope

    Built telescope
    After hearing about the telescope Hans Lippershey, a Dutch specticle maker invented in 1608, Galileo was anxious to build one. He didn't know a lot about optics or lenses, but that didn't stop him. Within a few days, Galileo built a working telescope. He presented it to the Senate of Venise in 1609.
    *Galileo: Astronomer and Physicist
  • Studied heavens with telescope

    Studied heavens with telescope
    Galileo wanted to use the telescope to look at things outside of Earth. While looking through the telescope, Galileo observed that the moon wasn't smooth but had a rough and irregular surface. He also noticed that the Milky Way is made out of a large amount of stars. Galileo kept notebooks on everything he saw.
    *Galileo: Astronomer and Physicist
  • Published his book Starry Messenger

    Published his book Starry Messenger
    Publishing Starry Messenger made Galileo famous all over Europe. This book contained all of Galileo's observations while looking through his telescope.

    *Galileo: Astronomer and Physicist
  • Announced Jupiter has four moons

    Announced Jupiter has four moons
    While looking through his telescope on January 7th 1610, Galileo noticed that Jupiter has four moons around it. He published Starry Night, a book about his discoveries while looking at the sky. He also noticed that Venus has phases like Earth's moon. He then proved that Venus revolves around the sun.

    *Galileo: Astronomer and Physicist
  • Start of the Thirty Year War

    Start of the Thirty Year War
    The Thirty Year War was from 1618-1648. It was a time in Europe where a series of wars were fought by many nations. The nations include religious, dynastic, territorial and commercial rivalries.
  • Plymouth colony founded

    Plymouth colony founded
    The Puritans were seeking religious freedom when coming to Massachusetts on the Mayflower. They wanted to secure their English language and heritage. Rough seas prevented them from reaching their destination. In November 1620, the Mayflower landed on Cape Cod.
  • Taj Mahal is built

    Taj Mahal is built
    The Taj Mahal was built in 22 years by Shah Jahan, the Muslim emperor. It is know as one of the eight wonders of the world and is the most beautiful monument built by the Mughals.
  • Mt. Vesuvius erupts

    Mt. Vesuvius erupts
    On December 10th 1631, people in Italy reported hearing the large mountain roar. It was the first activity there in 500 years.
  • Put on trial

    Put on trial
    Galileo was put on trial after publishing the book the church said contained "heretical ideas". On April 12th, 1633 he was led before inquistion. He was accused of ignoring church orders and was taken to the public hall on June 22nd, 1633

    *Galileo: Astronomer and Physicist
  • Galileo died

    Galileo died
    On January 8th 1642, Galileo Galilei died under house arrest. Before he died in 1633, he developed an infection in his right eye. Since he was a prisoner, he couldnt seek medical treatment. In 1638, Galileo went completly blind.

    *Galileo:Astronomer and Physicist