
Foundation of American Government Timeline

  • John Hancock

    Elected to the Boston Assembly, Delegate to and President of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, elected to Contintal Congress, Elected President of the Constitution convention, Elected Governor of Massachusetts.
  • John Jay

    John Jay
    Member of New York Coommittee of Correspondence, Delegate to the Continental Congress, Member of the peace with Great Britain, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Contributor to The Federalist, First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United State, Negotiator of Jay Treaty with Great Britain, and was Elected Governor of New York
  • Benjamin Rush

    Physician, Professor of Chemistry at the College of Philadelphia, Writer and member of the Sons of Liberty in Philadelphia, Elected to Philadelphia provincial conference, Elected to Continental Congress, Appointed Surgeon- general to the armies of the middle department (of the Continental Army), INstructor, Physician, UNiversity of the state of Pennsylvania, Treasurer of the U.S. Mint., Professor of medical theory and clinical practice, University of Pennsylvania
  • Unalienable Rights

    Unalienable Rights
    The absolute rights of individuals may be resolved into the rights of personal security, the rights of personal liberty, and the rights to acquire and enjoy property. These rights are declared to be natural, inherent, and unalienable.
  • E Pluribus Unum

    E Pluribus Unum
    E Pluribus Unum is latin "out of many, one." Sometimes it is translated more loosely as "one from many." E pluribus Unum refers to the fact that the United States was fromed as a cohesive single nation as the result of the thirteen smaller colonies joining together.
  • Declaration Of Independence

    Declaration Of Independence
    Is a statement adopted by the Continetal Congress which announced that the 13 American Colonies, then at war with Great Britian regarded themselves as independent states. No longer part of the British Empire.
  • Sovereignty

    Supreme power or authority.
  • Branches Of Government

    Branches Of Government
    Legislative: Made up of two Congress Houses: Senate and House of Representatives. The most impotant duty is to make the laws. Executive: Making laws official. The president makes the laws passed or he removes them. Judicial: Oversees the court system of the U.S. The Supreme Court is the head of the Judicail System.
  • Constitutoinal Republic

    Constitutoinal Republic
    Is a Government created and controlled by law of a constiution. The constitution of the United States of America was, in law, foundationally based on the Bible, The Magna Carta and The Declaration of Independence. THose documents recognize man's sovereignty, the divine nature f man's creation and man's divine rights of life, Liberty, Property, and the pursuit of happiness.
  • Bill Of Rights

    Bill Of Rights
    Is the Collective name for the first Ten Amendments to the United States Constitution.
  • Alexis de Tocqueville's Five Values

    Alexis de Tocqueville's Five Values
    Liberty:Freedom from control,interference,obigation, hampering,and conditions,etc.Egalitarianism:A belief in human equality especially with respect to social,political,and economic affairs.Individualism:A social advocating the liberty,rights,or independent action of the individual.Populaism:The political doctrine that supports the irghts and powers of the common people in their struggle with the privileged elite. Laissez-Fraire:The doctrine that government should not interfere commercial affairs
  • In God We Trust

    In God We Trust
    Religious and secular groups have argued over the appropriateness and constitutionality of a moto that mentions "Go," considering the founder fathers dedication to maintaing the separation of church and state.
  • Bicameral Congress

    Bicameral Congress
    A system of governments that date back the beginnings of constitutional government in 17th- centery England and to the later 18th centery on the continent of Europe and in the United States.