
Following the Progress Of The English Language

  • Period: 450 to May 20, 1100

    Old English Was Spoken

    This time period was when old english was spoken.
  • 500

    English First arrives in Britain

    English First arrives in Britain
    English First arrived in Britain when three tribes called the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes invaded Britain. Th epeope already there spoke a celtic language, but most of them were pushed west . The Angles spoke a language called Englisc which developed into english after a while.
  • Jul 21, 1066

    English Replaced by French

    English Replaced by French
    At this time william the conquerer invades Britain and replaces english with french. Only the lower classes spoke english at this time , the rest spoke french.
  • Period: May 20, 1100 to May 20, 1500

    Middle English Was Spoken

    This time period was when middle english was spoken.
  • May 20, 1348

    English Replaces Latin

    in this time period english was recognised as the official language to be learned in school instead of latin.
  • May 19, 1362

    English Replaces French

    In this time period english is considered the official language of great Britain (now replacing French), and is used in parliament for the first time.
  • May 19, 1400

    The Vowel Shift Begins

    During this time period the vowels of the english language were being pronounced shorter and easier to understand.
  • May 19, 1476

    The First Printing Press

    The First Printing Press
    In this time period William Caxton established the first printing press which made books become cheaper and helped more people learn how to read.
  • Period: May 20, 1500 to

    Modern English Is Spoken

    This time period was when modern english was spoken.
  • May 19, 1564

    Shakespere Is Born

    Shakespere Is Born
    In this time period the great pplaywriter and poet William Shakespere was born, he wrote many plays and poems that contributed greatly to the english language.
  • The First English Dictionary

    The First English Dictionary
    In this time period the first english dictionary was created and helped more people learn how to read and write in english.