First and Second New Deal

By Pgcpr01
  • agriculture adjustment act

    Roosevelt wanted to pay farmer for not planning crops in order to reduce surplus. Supreme court voided the AAA. RECOVERY
  • Tennessee valley authority

    The TVA was created for the economic development of the Tennessee river watershed. TVA built twenty dams to control flooding and generate hydroelectrical power. The TVA also provide jobs and low cost housing and reforestation and other service.
  • Federal emergency relief administration

    Federal emergency relief administration
    FERA supported nearly 5 millions household each month and funded thousands of work projects for unemployed. It also provide vaccinatioms and literacy class for millions of poor people. REFORM
  • National recovery administration

    National recovery administration
    NRA promoted economic recovery by ending wage and price deflation and restoring competitioN. The NRA temporarily restored investors confidence and consumer morale. RECOVERY
  • Public Works Administration

    Public Works Administration
    PWA was intended both for industrial recovery and unemployment relief. Over 4 billion dollars spent on 34,000 construction project and Dam project for water power. RELIEF/RECOVERY
  • Civil Works Administration

    CWA employed 4 million people. It paid $15 dollars avg by week in construction jobs. RELIEF
  • Federal Deposit insurance corporation

    Federal Deposit insurance corporation
    FDIC was created to encourage confidence in banks and encourage savings. Congress created the FDIC to insure bank customer against loss of up to 5000 dollars their deposit if their banks should fail. REFORM
  • Resettlement administration

    Resettlement administration relocated struggling urban and rural families to communities planned by the federal governent RECOVERY
  • The second new deal

  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    An act to provide for geneural welfare by establishing a system of federal old age benefits, and by enabling the states to make provision for aged people and cripple children and child welfare and public health. REFORM
  • Work progress administration

    Work progress administration
    Coordinated all public work schemes. It spent over 10.5 billion of federal money and employed 3.6 million men.RECOVERY
  • National labor relation act

    NLRA was created to protect the rights of employeyes and employers to encourage collective bargaining and to curtail certain private sector labor and management practices which can harm workers and business and the us economy. REFORM
  • Fair labor standard act

    Fair labor standard act
    FLSA is a federal law which establishes minimum wage, overtime pay eligibility, record keeping and child labor standardo affectin full time and part time workers. RECOVERY