Final Timeline

By HannaK
  • 15th Amendm

    this amendment gave african americans the right to vote. Even though there was an amendment allowing blacks to vote they were still largely unable to do so for another 100 years. voting rights bill in 1965 got rid of a lot of barriers to equal voting rights.
  • compleation of the panama canal

    It was comissioned by theodore roosevelt. He considered it his greatest accomplishment. It changed the world by cutting the number of the distance from the Pacific to the Atlantic by a month.
  • assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    This was the start of world war one because of alliances made threw erope. Serbian student nationalists were responsible for the assassination. He was the archduke of Austria Hungry.
  • U.S. entry into wwI

    At first we did not get involved because it wasnt our problem, also we were selling to both sides fighting in the war. the zimmerman telegram was intercepted by the british and given to the U.S. it was trying to convince Mexico to attack the U.S. Wilson decided to go to war with the germans.
  • treaty of versilles

    The treaty of versilles was ment to end ww1. It said that Germany had to take responsibility for the war. U.S. did not sign the treaty, which releaved them from responsibility when hitler violated the treaty.
  • 19th amendment

    The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote, it was passed in 1920 but didnt go into effect till 1921.When this amendment was passed Woodrow Wilson was presedent. Susan B. Anthony was the biggest acuvists for human rights.
  • Hitler invades poland

    This can be considered the trigger of world war two. Because of the alliances is why this erupted into a world war. Hitler became so powerful because of how desperate germany was.
  • Japan bombs pearl harbor

    Hideki Tojo was in charge of the millitary and responsible for this. Declared war against Japan and started U.S. involvement in ww2. Japan italy and germany were axis powers, the U.S. france and great britan were the allies.
  • Excutive order 9066

    It ordered Japanesse Americans from west coast to be released. Begin to be released in 1943, almost all were released before the war ended.
  • U.S. drops first Atomic bomb in Japan

    Bomeb Hiroshima. the U.S. was brought into the war when when Japan bomed pearl harbor, in 1941 on december 7th. It instantly killed 100,000 people in the followimg days from radiation and cancer.
  • US. drops secon datomic bomb in Japan

    they bombed Nagasaki. It brought the surrender of Japan and ended ww2. These cities were targeted to see the true effect of the bomb on an unatached city.
  • 1st U.S. military advisors were sent to vietnam

    The U.S. advisors were sent by Dwight Eisenhower to vietnam.He feared that if vietnam becomes communist the domino effect would happen.This is after u.S. had been finacially supporting french financialy fighting in vietnam.
  • First combat troops sent to Vietnam

    Presedent JFK sends 1st combat troops with intent to bring troops rapidly home. He feared the domino effect happening with communism. U.S. was not succesful in the war.
  • March on washington

    Martin Luther King jr. gave his I have a dream soeach. It was the largest civil rights gathering in history, about 250,000 people showed up. MLK was pressing for equality and voting registration.
  • Jhon F. Kennedy assasinated

    Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed, he was killed before he could stand trial. JFK wanted to withdraw from vietnam after sending in advisors. He started civil rights bill and voting rights bill.
  • MLK Jr. assasinated

    He was the leader of civil rights movemnts. he was a chridtian minister and gave the "I have a dream" speach. led the March on washington in 1963, and led the Montgomery bus boycott.
  • Vietnam war ends

    Richard Nixon is credited with ending this war. Two years after U.S. withdraws, North takes over south and Vietnam becomes communist anyways. About 60,000 U.S. soldiers died, the vast majority were under ninteen years old.
  • U.S. supports afghanistan from invasion of the soviet union

    The U.S. supported rebles against the invading soviets. this lasted till 1989. One of the rebel groups became Al Queda. the rebels sucesfuly drove soviets out of Afghanistan.
  • U.N. resolution 678

    Saddam Hussein must Leave Kuwait by January 15th 1991, or be removed by force. He did not leave and started the Persian Gulf war. The Iraq people thought Kuwait was part of Iraq.
  • U.N. begins bombing Iraq to withdrawl from kuwait

    Begins operation dessert storm, because Husssein refused to withdrawl from kuwait. It was a war that lasted about one month.Whe Sadam Hussein was leaving kuwait he set a bunch of oil fields on fire.
  • U.N. declairs victory in the person gulf war

    Sadden hussein thought kuwait was a part of Iraq, he wanted to get out of debt, so he wanted the oil from kuwait to pay back his debt. It started when Iraq refused to leave Kuwait (u.n. resolution 678. The U.S. took the lead in removing Iraq from Kuwait.