Film History

  • Phenakistoscope

    The phenakistoscope was the first animation device device. It made a picture illusion to make them look like they were moving. It was the first form of motion pictures and paved the way for future films
  • Eadweard Muybridge Bet

    Eadweard Muybridge made a bet with his friends that a horse could never run and have all feet come off the ground at the same time. They lined up a bunch of cameras and took many photos as the horse ran by and all the photos one after the other made it look like the horse was actually running.
  • Paper film is created

    This was the first photographic film. It was flexible like plastic transparent film that would come later, but it was made of paper. It was first sold by George Eastman.
  • Kinetoscope Parlor

    Thomas Edison's company created kinetoscope parlors. The kinetoscope was a device used for people to see film one at a time. These costed a penny and films where shown through a little peephole viewer.
  • Cinématographe

    Auguste and Louis Lumière created the first cinématographe. The cinématographe doubled up as a camera and a projector. With this device, films could be shown to a whole audience at once.
  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery was the first movie by Edwin Porter. Porter was a former cameraman of Thomas Edison. The movie was only 12 minutes long and silent.
  • First Cartoon Animation

    The first cartoon was Fantasmagorie. It was a fantasy film created by a French artist Émile Cohl. It was completely hand drawn
  • Motion Picture Patents Company

    Thomas Edison's company teamed up with others to create a company that planned to own everything film wise. The MPPC was to prevent unauthorized use of film equipment without a patent. If you violated these laws your film equipment would be destroyed and you could be hurt
  • Nickelodeons

    Nickelodeons were one of the first movie theaters created. They costed a nickel for admission. Nickelodeons were popular for about 10 years.
  • First Female Filmmaker

    Alice Guy-Blancé was a French pioneer in the 19th century. She was the first ever female to create a film. She founded Solax Studios and changed film and how it was seen and made
  • The Jazz Singer

    The Jazz Singer was the first full feature film with sound. Films before this were silent and sometimes had words. People were afraid it wouldn't be popular because it was such a big change.
  • Golden Age of Hollywood

    The Golden Age was the end of silent films. Technicolor films were also introduced in movies such as The Wizard of Oz. Actors were becoming very popular by name and at times people knew which studio created what movie.