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  • Start of FEMA

    Start of FEMA
    FEMA starts with the Congressional Act of 1803.
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation

    Reconstruction Finance Corporation
    They are able to give loans for disaster relief for earthquakes and later other disasters.
  • Roads get Grants

    Roads get Grants
    The Bureau of Public Roads can now fund bridges and roads that have been damaged or destroyed by natural disasters.
  • National Flood Insurance Act

    National Flood Insurance Act
    This act allowed home owners to purchase flood protection for their houses.
  • Federal Emergency Managemnet Agency

    Federal Emergency Managemnet Agency
    Different emergency and disaster relief organizations are combined into one, thus creating FEMA.
  • New Director

    New Director
    James L. Witt became FEMA's new director. He reorganized a few things and got FEMA to become much more organized.
  • Another New Director

    Another New Director
    Joe M. Allbaugh becomes FEMA's new director. He is quickly put to the test due to the 9/11 attack but he has the Office of Homeland Security to help him out.
  • Post-Katrina Emergency Act Reform

    Post-Katrina Emergency Act Reform
    This act completely reorganized FEMA again to close any gaps in response time that became aparent during Hurricane Katrina.