
  • 1787

    In May and June of 1787 problems of the weak central government that existed under the Articles of Confederation were addressed. This then lead to the completion of the Constitution which took full effect in1789.
    Type of federalism: Dual
    I thought this was a Dual federalsim because of how the country tried to share the power between then national and state governments.
  • 1791

    The Bill of Rights is ratified and added to the Constitution. The first ten amendments are concidered the Bill of Rights and the tenth one having the most importance in this contex.
    This amendment explains that power should be reserved for the states.
    Type of federalsim: State-Centered
    I thought this would be a State federalsim because the tenth amendment is giving power to the states and limiting the national government.
  • 1798

    On November 16, 1798 the Kentucky Resolution was passed by the state legislature, while on December 24, 1798 the Virginia state legislature passed the Virginia Resolution. These resolutions were written by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The purpose of these political statements were to create state rights.
    Type of federalism: State- Centered
    I thought this was a state federalsim because of how these rights were written, not really looking at the big picture of the nation.
  • 1819

    The McCulloch vs Maryland case, which is mainly about banking and state taxes, is another example of how there are switches in federalism. In the end the ruling was that while fallowing the Constitution the power is spread to the national government and also the state too.
    Type of federalism: National
    I think this is a National federalsim because of how the events concluded with the national government having the power.
  • 1820s

    In the 1820's the idea of nullification comes around. With this new concept it would give the states power to choose what they believe is right and give them the ultimate authority.
    Type of federalsism:State-Centered
    I think it's a State federalism because if the states have a right to nullify something they are "above" the government who created the law in the first place.
  • Gibbons vs. Ogden

    This case was concerning the operation of steam ships in New York waters. Many of the issues were if the state was in control of those going in and out of the NY waters. In conclusion the state was not in control therefore limiting thier power.
    Type of federalism: National
    I believe this is a National federalism because of the reduction of state power.
  • 1836-1860

    The term 'dual sovereignty' comes into play. Dual Sovereignty is when two forms of government overlap-State and Federal-. State governments are able to run with out big government stepping in but with certain situations the Federal government can "trump" the states ruling.
    Type of federalism: DUAL
    I say a Dual federalsim because both forms of government are working together as equals.
  • 1930's

    In 1933 Roosevelt introduced "New Deal" which was created to have the government "help" the people. This could be concidered a "hand out" from a large government.
    Type of Federalism: National
    I think this is a National federalsim because of how the government is interfering with the well being of the people.
  • 1980s

    In 1980 Reagan established 'new federalsim'. New federalism gave back certain powers to the States from the Federal government.
    Type of federalism: State-Centered
    I said this was a State federalism because of how some power was taken from the federal government and giving it to the states.
  • 1990s

    The 1990's was another swich on the scale of federalism in the U.S.. For years America was on side of large government, now power was being shifed to the states. With a majority of Rupublicans in Congress the action of a smaller governement was setting action.
    Type of federalism: State-Centered
    I think this is a State federalsim because of how the Rupublicans want more power for the states and a smaller government.
  • Heatlh Care

    On March 23, 2010 National Health Care passed. This act gives everyone the equal opportunity for health care.
    Type of federalism: National
    I believe this is a National federalsim because of how the government is "controling" who can have health care. Though it is a asset some can see it as unfair. In the end it is not the states choice to go by and use this law.