Famous American Documants

  • The Charters of The Virginia Company of London

    The Charters of The Virginia Company of London
    Authorized the estblishment of colonies.Allowed for a reprensentative form of goverment. Written by King James 1.
  • The Virginia Declaration of Rights

    The Virginia Declaration of Rights
    Served as a model for the bill of rights.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of  Independence
    Affirmedcertain"unaliennaple of rights".(Life,Liberty and the persuit of happiness writting by Thomas Jefferson.
  • The Virginia Statute of Religous Freedom

    The Virginia Statute of Religous Freedom
    Was the basic for the first amendment to the U.S.A. Constitution which guarantees freedom of Religion and it was written by Thomas Jefferson.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The first form of national government that states the weknesses of of the central government it was completed in 1787 by the Second Contitutional Congress.
  • Constitution

    Stablishes the structure of the U.S. government equally under the law with with a majority of rule and rights of the inority protected.