
Fahrenheit 451 Project

By 451
  • Book Burning in Nazi Germany

    Book Burning in Nazi Germany
    Many univeristy students marched out on May 10, 1933 just to burn books. They believed it was justified because they believe the books were "un-German"
  • Incident with the Atomic Bomb

    Incident with the Atomic Bomb
    During an inspection by the Germans for a water leak, air had leaked in. Since the air had leaked in, it had ignited the uranium powder inside. The boiling uranium made the reactor blow apart; causing an explosion throughout the facility.
  • Peace Treaty of War World 2

    Peace Treaty of War World 2
    The peace treaty was signed in Paris. It was signed by both the Allied and Axis Powers.
  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
    The Cold War lasted between 1947-1991. It was termed as "cold" because there was no large-scale fighting directly between the two sides
  • Hollywood Blacklist

    Hollywood Blacklist
    The blacklist began because screenwriters, actors, directors, and musicians were denied jobs. They were denied jobs strictly because they believed that other political ideas should be explored.
  • The Hiss Affair

    The Hiss Affair
    Whittaker Chambers proclaimed that Alger Hiss was a communist. They went to court and Hiss was charged for only denying the charges.
  • Loyalty Oath Controversy at University of California

    Loyalty Oath Controversy at University of California
    The controversy about the oath was a very serious event. The oath was presented to UC Berkley students and they had to sign it. The oath stated that they were true patriots and they do not believe in Communism or any other political ideas.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The North Korean Communists did a surpise attack on the South Koreans and it began the war. The war was North Korean and China vs. South Korea and the United States.
  • New Technology, TV

    New Technology, TV
    Interesting enough, all color electronical devices were invented in 1953. However, the first program was shown on January 1, 1954,
  • Comic Book Ban

    Comic Book Ban
    People were protesting that comic books were being used for graphic content. They had to use a seal that said Comics Code Authority.
  • The McCarthy Hearings

    The McCarthy Hearings
    The hearings began because Senator Joseph McCarthy accused the U.S. Army of not doing their jobs. He believed there was communism at work; both in Congress and the Military.
  • Brown vs. Board

    Brown vs. Board
    This is one of the most important cases in history. The court declared that separate public schools based on race was unconstitutional. It was a huge victory for the civil rights movement.
  • Levittown, Pennsylvania

    Levittown, Pennsylvania
    This was one of the first modern American suburbs. It was one of the hotspots for American families during this time,