Iwo jima flag raising wwii

Factors of the Start of WWII

By otan05
  • Japan signs treaty with China

    Japan signs treaty with China
    Japan signs treaty with China to respect China's borderd
  • Japan renounces war

    Japan renounces war
    Japan signs the Kellogg-Briand Pact renouncing war.
  • Japan and Great Depression

    Japan and Great Depression
    Japan is struck with the Great Depression.
  • Japan and Manchuria

    Japan and Manchuria
    Japanese army siezes Manchuria
  • Japan and the League of Nations

    Japan and the League of Nations
    Japan withdraws from the League of Nations
  • US and the Neutrality Acts

    US and the Neutrality Acts
    The US begins passing the Neutrality Acts.
  • Hitler and Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler and Treaty of Versailles
    Hitler publicly announces that he will not obey the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Mussolini and Ethiopia

    Mussolini and Ethiopia
    Mussolini ordered a massive attack on Etiopia.
  • Germany and Rhineland

    Germany and Rhineland
    Germany captures Rhineland because of coal mines.
  • Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin

    Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin
    Hitler and Stalin send reinforcements to help Mussolini disband the republic of Spain.
  • Italy and Germany

    Italy and Germany
    Italy and Germany make an alliance.
  • Germany and Japan

    Germany and Japan
    Germany makes an agreement with Japan.
  • Japan vs. China

    Japan vs. China
    A full-scale war between Japan and China.
  • Hitler and Austria

    Hitler and Austria
    Hitler sends his army to Austria and annexes it.
  • Hitler and Sudentenland

    Hitler and Sudentenland
    Hitler demands Sudentenland from France and Britain.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    Munich Conference is held between Germany, France, and Great Britain.
  • Republican Civil War

    Republican Civil War
    Republican resistance collapses in Spain.
  • Germany and Czechoslovakia

    Germany and Czechoslovakia
    Hitler goes against promise made at the Munich Conference and attack Czechosloakia.
  • Italy and Albania

    Italy and Albania
    Italy invades Albania.
  • Hitler and Stalin

    Hitler and Stalin
    Hitler and Stalin sign the nonagression pact.
  • Hitler and Poland

    Hitler and Poland
    Hitler launches an attck on Poland
  • France and Britain vs. Germany

    France and Britain vs. Germany
    France and Great Britain declare war against Germany.
  • Soviet Union Conquers

    Soviet Union Conquers
    Soviet Union invades E. Polan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland.
  • Stalin and Finland

    Stalin and Finland
    Finlans is forced to surrender to Stalin.
  • Hitler and Denmark and Norway

    Hitler and Denmark and Norway
    Hitler attacks Denmark and Norway.
  • Germany, Netherland, Belgium, and Luxembourg

    Germany, Netherland, Belgium, and Luxembourg
    Germany invades the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg.
  • Germany and France

    Germany and France
    Germany takes Paris.
  • French leaders and Germany

    French leaders and Germany
    French leaders surrender to Germany.
  • Italy invades Egypt

    Italy invades Egypt
    Italy attacks Ethiopia and siezes the Sueze Canal.
  • Beginning of the Battle of Britain.

    Beginning of the Battle of Britain.
    The German Luftwaffe begins bombing of British cities.
  • Hitler and Rommel

    Hitler and Rommel
    Hitler send Rommel to help Italian troops in Egypt.
  • Germany, Yugoslavia, and Greece

    Germany, Yugoslavia, and Greece
    Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece.
  • Hitler and the Soviet Union

    Hitler and the Soviet Union
    Hitler begins to invade the Societ Union.
  • Germany vs. US

    Germany vs. US
    Germans U-boats sink US destroyer.
  • Germans and Leningard

    Germans and Leningard
    Germans put Leningard under seige.
  • Germany and Moscow

    Germany and Moscow
    Germans try to take Moscow.