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  • The Facebook

    The Facebook
    Facebook was originally launched as "The Facebook"
  • Becoming Facebook

    Becoming Facebook
    When "The Facebook" become Facebook
  • Photo Feature

    Added a photo feature to site in October and by December you are able to tag friends.
  • Blogging

    Facebook added a feature for blogging called "Facebook Notes"
  • News Feed

    Simply algorithm that updates activities of one's friend's
  • No Longer Exclusive

    No Longer Exclusive
    Facebook was originally only available to harvard students but expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and gradually most universities in the United States and Canada, Corporations, and finally in September 2006, to everyone with a valid email address with the age requirement of being 13 or older.
  • Targeted Advertisements

    Facebook beacon is created allowing 44 partner sites to target customers on Facebook.
  • Redesign

    Facebook launches a site redesign with options for tabbed redesign.
  • Like

    Facebook Like Button is activated
  • Community Pages

    Pages that are populated with articles from Wikipedia.
  • Adding videos

    Facebook partners with Skype to add video chat and updates website interface
  • Messenger

    Available for android, IOS, and Blackberry
  • Look Back Feature

    Allows users to look back on past post and record's.
  • DeepFace

    Facebook's face recognition algorithm reaches near-human accuracy in identifying faces
  • Key Search

    Facebook allows user to key search all post
  • Controlling News Feed

    Facebook allows individuals to have some control over what they see on their new feeds. Allows individuals to tailor to what interests them.
  • Payments

    Facebook allows free payment within server
  • Gifs

    Facebook introduces gifs.
  • Live Streaming

    Originally only for celebrities. This allows anyone to live stream and gain popularity.
  • Marketplace

    Facebook allows users to sell items in their area. Allowing users to gain more revenue through the site.