
Extending Suffrage: The Five Stages

  • Struggle to extend voting rights

    Struggle to extend voting rights
    Religious qualifiations were rapidly disappearing, states began eliminating property ownership and tax payment qualifications
  • Wyoming grants women suffrage

    Wyoming grants women suffrage
    Wyoming gave women the right to vote in 1869
  • Effort to broaden the electorate

    Effort to broaden the electorate
    The 15th Amendment was intended to protect citizens from being denied the right to vote because of color/race
  • Ratification of the 19th Amendment

    Ratification of the 19th Amendment
    Some states began granting women the right to vote, by 1920 over half the states were allowing women to vote
  • African Americans gain secured suffrage

    African Americans gain secured suffrage
    Racial equality among polling booths throughout the country
  • Passing of the 23rd Amendment

    Passing of the 23rd Amendment
    Added the voters of the District of Columbia to the presidential electorate
  • Ratification of the 24th Amendment

    Ratification of the 24th Amendment
    The ratification of the 24th Amendment eliminated poll tax along with any other tax. This was a condition for voting in any federal election
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    Secures racial equality thoughout the states
  • Adoption of the 26th Amendment

    Adoption of the 26th Amendment
    No state can set the minimum age for voting at more that 18 years of age. This Amendment gave the right to vote to those who are 18 and over