Evolution of Video Camera

  • Period: to

    Evolution of Video Camera

  • Joeseph Niepce Photograph

    Joeseph Niepce Photograph
    The creation of the revolutionary mechanism, the Video Camera, has spanned over many centuries, taking new and interesting forms. The start of the Video Camera's career began in 1814, with the help of a man named Joeseph Niepce. This gentleman was actually the first individual to capture the first photographic image, a true revolution for image capturing technology. Unfortunatelly, the photo faded withing eight hourse,
  • Louis Daguerre Photograph

    Louis Daguerre Photograph
    During the 1837, another man called Louis Daguerre was able to capture yet another photographic image, but this one did not fade like the first.
  • Zoopraxiscope System

    Zoopraxiscope System
    The next great step in the Video Camera's history in 1867, when a monumental patent was made. During this period of time, a man by the name of William lincoln created the fisrt moving picture system that ever existed. The mechanism was called the 'zoopraxiscope' or 'wheel of life', By using pictures as the main visuals, the zoopraxiscope was able to illustrate very short movements of animated creatures. However, the camcorder that was considered the first revolution of the future movie industry
  • Lumiere Creates Portable Camera

    Lumiere Creates Portable Camera
    he Frenchman Louis Lumiee is, today, credited as inventing the first motion picture camera. Though there were other such inventions during that time, Lumiere did actually create the first portable motion-picture camera call the Cinematographe. This mechanism mad motion pictures extremelly poplualr, and the trend extreded across the world. It could even be said that Lumiere and his brothers began the motion picture era. In 1895, the movie generation really began as Lumiere and his family began ch
  • Lighter Camera is Developed

    Lighter Camera is Developed
    During the beginning of their main creation, video cameras were shaped like large, rectangular box. In addition, there were two main parts, the area in which the necessary parts, such as the lense, was held. The other section was the rack, that held the camera up above the ground, for it was too heavy to carry. However, later a new of black and white camera was created that was smaller and lighter. These were used in the early to mid 1900's.
  • Colored Video Cameras

    Colored Video Cameras
    The most revolutionary adaptation that was made to the video camera was the institution of color into the imagery. Before hand, the technology had not yet been created that would allow recorded images to have color, only black and white coloring. In the 1950's, the company called RCA was the premium industry that was responsible for creating colored television and cameras at the time.. However, the cameras were much larger than they had before, but as time went by,, the large sizes of video came
  • Flip Video Era

    Flip Video Era
    As years passed, the camera developed more new, interesting, and smaller forms. All of these changes wre considered revoutionary, but the latest and most useful evolution of the video camera is the flip video. Created in 2006, it was first used in CVS Pharmacies as a direct to DVD Media system. However, this system became extremely popular and the Flip Ultra, an improved model, was released a year later. Today,, this camera system is the most popular one sold in stores due to its small size and