
Evolution of Media

By Meldie
  • Period: 40,000 BCE to

    Pre-Industrial Age

    It is known as the tribal age. People invented fire, paper from plants, and weapons and tools out of stone, bronze, copper, and iron. It is also the time when people learn to read and write because the alphabet is invented.
  • 35,000 BCE

    Cave Painting

    Cave Painting
  • 2500 BCE


  • 2400 BCE

    Clay Tablet

    Clay Tablet
  • 130 BCE

    Acta Diurna

    Acta Diurna
  • Period: to

    Industrial Age

    This created media that allows for mass production and communication via printed materials. People discovered the power of steam, created machine tools, established iron production, and manufactured a variety of products (including books through the printing press). The printing press, typewriter, motion picture photography, telegraph, and punch cards emerge as forms of media.
  • Newspaper

  • Typewriter

  • Telephone

  • Motion Pictures

    Motion Pictures
  • Motion Pictures with Sound

    Motion Pictures with Sound
  • Period: to

    Electronic Age

    Electricity enhances media such as the telephone, radio, and television. The transistor's invention ushered in the electronic age. People learned the power of transistors, which resulted in transistor radios, electronic circuits, and early computers. Long-distance communication became more efficient in this era.
  • Television

  • Main Frame Computer

    Main Frame Computer
  • Apple 1 Computer

    Apple 1 Computer
  • Apple 2 Computer

    Apple 2 Computer
  • Period: to

    New Media / Information Age

    This is referred to as the digital or new age, in which we can easily access and transmit information through the use of technology. This era further improves media for quick and easy communication as well as the development of social networks. Smartphones and social media are examples of this. With the invention of personal computers, mobile devices, and wearable technology, people advanced the use of microelectronics. We are now living in the information age.
  • Tablet

  • Mosaic

  • Google

  • Blogspot

  • Friendster

  • Thefacebook

  • Twitter

  • iPhone 11

    iPhone 11
  • Apple Watch Series 6

    Apple Watch Series 6
  • Summarization

    Mass media and its evolution came as a result of one of humanity's most pressing needs, which was to stay informed and connected in ways that were beyond the capability of humane physical senses. The media adapts to societal changes. Communication technology evolves in concurrently with the evolution of the media. It enables people today to access more information than previous generations. The evolution of mass media has been a long and fascinating journey that is still ongoing.