Evolution of Democracy in the United States

By olgarab
  • Declaration of Independance

    This declaration of independance was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776 stated that the thirteen colonies of Britain (which are now the states of America) were independant from Britain itself. The declaration of independance represents the birth of democracy in America. It`s an important event in the evolution of democracy because it contains the original democratic goals of the nation.
  • Period: to

    Timespan of 11 key events

  • Adoption of the Constitution

    After many debates between the delegates of the states, the finally agreed upon proposing a new constituion (written by Philadelphia convention) to replace the Articles of Confederation. The purpose of the constitution was to not allow the Federal governement to take control of the whole nation. Three branches of government were created which were the Legislative, executive, and Judicial. It was siginificant to the evolution of democracy because the rule of law resided within it.
  • Thomas Jefferson Election

    Thomas Jefferson was elected for president on December 3rd, 1800. He created the First Party System and believed in education and political freedoms & equality. This Democratic-Republican party was opposed by the federalist party lead by Alexander Hamilton. Jefferson and his movements influenced the evolution of democracy because he introduced political equality and freedoms to American governement.
  • Andrew Jackson Election

    Andrew Jackson was elected on December 2nd 1828 as the President. He then founded a movement called the Second Party System which was referred to as the Jacksonian democracy. He believed in greater democracy for the common man and gave little weight to education. However Jackson mostly influenced democracy in that he seeked to broaden the public's participation in governement. His movement lasted until the 1850's when the slavery issue began to dominate the nation.
  • The election of Abraham Lincoln

    In the 1860 presidential election, Republicans, led by Abraham Lincoln, opposed the expansion of slavery. Lincoln won the election but before his time in office, the seven slave states of the south formed a confederacy which opposed them. Efforts to maintain peace failed and the civil war started. With the end of the Civil War, came the end of slavery. Abraham Lincoln influenced democracy because he believed and promoted an anti-slavery nation and personal freedom as well.
  • Emancipation Proclimation

    The Emancipation Proclimation was an executive order issued by Abraham Lincoln on January 1st 1863. This order stated that the slaves in the 10 rebellious states had to be freed. Also these slaves could work in the army and the armed forces had to recognize them as ex-slaves and treat them no different. Before the war, Lincoln's goal was to keep the union and with this proclomation he attempted to further spread his beliefs of equal right's to all people regardless of race.
  • 15th Amendement to the Constitution

    This Amendement to the Constitution dissallowed the Federal and State governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on the colour of their skin. It was given a formal consent on February 3rd 1870. It gave the African Americans additional opportunities and rights.
  • 19th Amendement to the Constitution

    This Amendement to the Constitution prohibited any American citizen from being denied the right to vote based on the sex. This amendment was the culmination of the women's suffrage movement in the United States, which fought at both state and national levels to achieve the vote. It was signed on August 18th 1920. It gave woman the right to not be discriminated and gave them the right to vote which was important in the evolution of democracy.
  • Martin Luther King Jr's Speech

    On august 28th 1963 Martin Luther King Jr made a speech with the title "I Have a Dream". It was and is now known as one of the most inspirational speeches of all time.It was a big step in the evolution of democracy because King expressed his opinions on the equal right of black people. He mostly gave the African-Americans hope of a better life with equality which raised many spirits. He was also upholding the original democratic principles of the colonists.
  • Voting Rights Act

    The voting rights act of 1965 is a landmark piece of federal legislation in the United States that disallows discrimination in voting. It was signed to be law by President Lyndon B. Johnson during the top of the American Civil Rights Movement. The Act allowed protection to the racial minorites throughout the country, especially in the South. It is still considered to be one of the most effective pieces of civil rights legislation in American history.
  • 26th Amendement to the Constitution

    This amendement was adopted on July 1st 1971. It prohibits the federal government from stting a voting age higher than 18. It was created directly in response to student activism in the Vietnam War. This amendement allowed millions of young Americans to participate in shaping their political future. It was the fastest amendement passed however involved a process in which student activists from the National Education Assosication had to fight for their rights and make the dream a reality.