Evolution of Democracy

  • Jun 15, 1215

    King John I: Magna carta

    King John I: Magna carta
    King John I: Magna Carta, 15 June 1215
    The police cannot do anything to a person if they don’t have proof which shows his guiltiness or witnesses. And they will be judge by their land laws.
  • John Locker: Concerning Civil Government

    John Locker: Concerning Civil Government
    John Locker: Concerning Civil Government, 1689
    People don’t have anybody to run them and they should be their own authority, and do what they want.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    Importnat documents in the hystory of evolution of democracy.
    Declaration Of The Rights Of Man, August 26, 1789
    Nobody can exercise any power to run the state if is not chosen directly by the people (citizens).
  • Amendament XV to Constitution of U.S.

    Amendament XV to Constitution of U.S.
    Amendment XV to Constitution of U.S, February 3, 1870
    American citizen can vote no matter their race, colour.
  • New Zealana: Election Act

    New Zealana: Election Act
    New Zealand: Election Act, September 19, 1893
    This Act gives the women the power to vote
  • The Code of King Hammurabi, 1772 BC

    The Code of King Hammurabi, 1772 BC
    The Code Of King Hammurabi, 1772 BC
    The king is the only authority and if someone does something bad to someone, that person can do the same thing back.
  • U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, December 10, 1948
    People have to know their rights, which are universal accepted and they have to teach them to other people.
  • European Member States

    European Member States
    European Member States, 1957
    The Union of altmost all European states in which they are going to respect the human rights, democracy, liberty and the rule of laws.