Evolution in Revolution

  • Declaration of Independence political

    This is the declaration of independence from Britain by America. Wrote by Thomas Jefferson, but later was revised by congress.
  • The Articles of Confederation political

    An agreement between the 13 founding states of America as a confederation of sovereign states
  • Treaty of Paris Political

    The British Empire finally gave up against the colonies and recognized independence of the United States of America. The treaty of Paris set boundaries of the United states.
  • The End of the Enlightenment social

    Was a period of ideas and logic. Which was a key factor of the revolutions.
  • Meeting of the Estates-General economic

    A meeting between the first, second, and third estate. To talk about the financial problems and rights in France.
  • Tennis Court Oath economic

    Third estate locked out of the estates general meeting and declared to make a constitution.
  • The Storming of Bastille diplomatic/military

    An angry mob stormed into Bastille, a prison in Paris. They were searching for guns and gunpowder.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen social

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was to guarantee citizens equal justice, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.
  • Bill of Rights political

    First ten amendments. Bill of Rights were adopted by the House of Representatives on August 21, 1789, formally proposed by joint resolution of Congress on September 25, 1789
  • Olympe de Gouge, Declaration of the Rights of Woman social

    Olympe de Gouges one of the most outspoken and articulate women revolutionaries. In 1791 she wrote the following declaration, directly challenging the inferiority presumed of women by the Declaration of the Rights of Man. She was arrested, tried, and on November 3, 1793, executed by the guillotine.
  • Mary Wollestonecraft social

    Known for the Vandictation of the Rights of Women. She thinks that women are not inferior to men.
  • Execution of Louis XVI Political

    Louis XVI was convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers and sentences to death by guillotine.
  • Execution of Robespierre Political

    Ending the reign of terror
  • The Louisiana Purchase economic

    French sell territory to the Americans to benefit the financial status of France.
  • Napoleonic code social

    Allowed religious freedom based on birth
  • Napoleon Crowning Himself political

    Takes crown from Pope, symbolizing that he is more powerful than the pope, but still respects the religion.
  • Continental System diplomatic/military

    A blockade to prevent trade and communication between Britain and other countries.
  • Napoleonic invasion of Russia diplomatic/military and economic

    Napoleon invades Russia to make them cease to trade with Britian. To make Britian weaker
  • Napoleon Battle of Lygny diplomatic/military

    Last victory won by Napoleon
  • The Factory Act cultural/technological

    past to restrict working hours and ages
  • Karl Marx Published The Communist Manifesto social

    Marx argued that human societies have always been divided into warring classes.
  • Begging of American Civil War diplomatic/military

    A war that split the United States in half, with the northern states called the “Union” and the southern states being called the “Confederacy. Due to the different attitudes about slavery.
  • Emancipation Proclamation cultural/technological

    Issued by Abraham Lincoln. Used as measure in the Civil war. Proclaimed the freedom of slaves.