
Evidencia 3

  • 100 BCE

    Topic 1

    Topic 1
    the epic genre narrates historical facts about events that happened in the past of a nation. It usually makes an exhilaration of the heroes of the past and relives their adventures in a glorious way that sometimes can be fantastic.
    They usually use epithets or a phrase that works as an adjective.
    Story is about what the story is narrating? and Theme is an idea that appears in the text but is a concept not verbally told but that exists in the story.
  • 100 BCE

    Topic 2

    Topic 2
    Epopee is a genre in which a story of hero is told in a poetic way, which is similar to the epics. Some examples are the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, the Iliad and the Odyssey.
    Egypt used the written language to decorate temples and houses, describing historical events that affected them as a nation. China, wisdom and philosophy. India is imagination and symbolism, mixed with myths and legends. Mesopotamia has the oldest epopee The Epic of Gilgamesh.
  • 476

    Topic 3

    Topic 3
    religious faith, the warrior spirit of the times, and a taste for adventure and business interests. These three elements will be reflected in the literary production of the time, because the main characters are warriors who fight for their country and their faith, and they are always willing to live any kind of adventure.
    The songs did not have a single author, a community composed them. It was a process that would gradually idealize the leaders of a nation, The Song of the Nibelungs, Roland
  • 1300

    Topic 4

    Topic 4
    The Renaissance, is the transition between the Middle Ages and the modern age. The painting become a tool for philosophical proposals and analyzed the human body as something beautiful and in constant balance with nature. An important writter here is William Shakespear. We also look at the different types of narrators Protagonist, Secondary character, Omniscent and Second Person.
  • 1532

    Topic 9

    Topic 9
    Taco literature writers are Alonso de Ercilla (is his born day where I took the year from) with The Araucaniad, Bernardo de Balbuena with Mexico´s Grandeur, Gutierre de Cetina with his poem Madrigal and Sor Juana with Reply to Sister Philotea.
  • 1547

    Topic 5

    Topic 5
    this Topic is about the Spanish Golden Age, where Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote was considered ones of the greatest of world literature.
    On other side the theater, Lope de Vega thought it was the best for his plays: changing scenarios, telling different stories and his plays could proceed in several years.
  • Topic 6

    Topic 6
    Romanticism is a popular literature about love but the word romantic has passed throu a lot of meanings. A man who writes poems and sends letters declaring his love for his lover is usually called a romantic.
    Neoclassicism tends to be objective, critical and rational; the most important works were in painting, sculpture and architecture. Neoclassicist try to find a way in which the art was beautiful, but at the same time, useful, art aims to moral and didactic purposes.
  • Topic 8

    Topic 8
    Burger country started its literature with patriotism freedom and truth at first, later on writers gained confidence and began to talk about issues that concerned most to them. Some important works/writers
    Etraordinary stories by Edgar Allan Poe, The Adventure of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain and Moby Dick by Herman Melville.
  • Topic 7

    Topic 7
    Realism appears exhausted that the real world was different from the artistic world and it also boomed also due to scientific discoveries and developments.
    Naturalism shows the lives of the characters to be observed by the reader, like rats in the lab causing the curiosity of scientists.
  • Topic 13

    Topic 13
    Science Fiction is a genre about science which is an speculation of what the author speculates
    Horror Fiction is something about fear, which is regularly about the unkown or a phobia a common fear on humanity is the dark, because we dont know whats inside it.
    Detective Fiction the main plot is about crimes, search for clues and found out the criminal and motivations to do such crime.
  • Topic 11

    Topic 11
    De Onis made a definition of Modernismo as "a Hispanic form of the universal crisis. The letters and the “spirit” started around 1885, the dissolution of the nineteenth century." The starter of this was Nicaraguan Rubén Darío. Generally these were poetic frequently talked about exotic subjects and ended up turning them into stereotypes.Important writers
    Ruben Dario, Amado Nervo and Jose Juan Tablada
  • Topic 10

    Topic 10
    The generation of 98 is created after the "Disaster" the loss of the Spanish colonies. The first sought a total renovation: proposed a different view of reality and the second direction has more to do with the rebellion, politics, and social criticism. Important writings/writers
    Mist by Miguel de Unamuno, The Route of Don Quixote by José Martínez, The Tree of Knowledge by Pío Baroja
  • Topic 12

    Topic 12
    Avant Garde which has many movements like a lot, Expressionism, Futurism, Dadaism, Surrealism, Ultraist, Creationism, Stridernism and De Stjil.
    These movements broke the established rules, denied its historical past and tried to renew the literature. The avant-garde movement turned the objects into a pure idea, using novel terms, often invented by the artists.
  • Topic 14

    Topic 14
    Postmodernism is a popular term used in philosophy and art. It is often used ambiguously or to justify something. There are some ways postmodernism is used: literature that is unrealistic or untraditional, to talk about art that is modern but in a extreme way or to discuss general aspects of human condition
    works and writers are Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut, Ulysses, by James Joyce
  • Topic 13

    Topic 13
    To understand the Boom one should also keep in mind that the editors took a very important role. A new journalistic criticism was created and different cultural magazines was made. Latin American authors participated in these magazines.
    Among the most important writers from the Boom are Julio Cortazar, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez and Mario Vargas Llosa.